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Resultats - Departament d'Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys

Departament d'Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys

Tesis Doctorals Dirigides / Theses 
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Títol: Enhancement of students' reading comprehension in L2 through an L1-related reading strategies training
Autor: Silvia Puig Garcia
Director: Ayvazyan, Nune
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2024
País: N/D
Títol: Explicit Rules or Implicit Imitation: A Comparative Study of Two Approaches to Teaching English Prosody to Chinese Adult EFL Learners
Autor: Zhang, Xiaodan
Director: Romero Gallego, Joaquin
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2024
País: N/D
Títol: A social theory of bilingual adaptations: How language experience and linguistic register variation modulate the processing of agreement attraction errors
Autor: Masullo, Camilla
Director: Oltra Massuet, Maria Isabel; Leivada, Evangelia
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2024
País: N/D
Títol: Large Language Models: Language abilities and limitations
Autor: Dentella, Vittoria
Director: Oltra Massuet, Maria Isabel; Leivada, Evangelia
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2024
País: N/D
Títol: Spanish Stop Lenition and the Temporal Dimension: An Acoustic Approach
Autor: Soler Cervera, Antonia
Director: Romero Gallego, Joaquin
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2024
País: N/D
Títol: EFL Textbooks and teachers' potential for promoting intercultural competence: A mixed methods research in Palestinian state schools
Autor: Faraj, Jehad Tayeb Alí
Director: Thomas Andreu, Joan Maria Francesc; Frumuselu, Anca Daniela; Bellot, Andrea Roxana
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: The Acquisition of Implicit Knowledge by Chinese & Spanish EFL Learners: Experimental Studies on Grammatical Errors in Egnlish questions and Pedagogical Implications
Autor: He, Qiaoling
Director: Oltra Massuet, Maria Isabel
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Autor: null
Director: null
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Autor: Cristina Belén Crisón Chávez
Director: Romero Gallego, Joaquin
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: The nominal in light verb constructions: a corpus-based study in present-day English, German, Catalan and Spanish
Autor: Álvarez Morera, Georgina
Director: Ginebra Serrabou, Jordi; Oltra Massuet, Maria Isabel
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Patterns in Conversational American English: a Study of Reductions in Spanish Learners of English as L2
Autor: null
Director: null
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: The Implementation of Educational Texting as an Instructional Facilitator in the Iranian EFL Context
Autor: null
Director: null
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: The Implementation of Educational Texting as an Instructional Facilitator in the Iranian EFL Context
Autor: Behforouz, Behnam
Director: Gutiérrez-Colon Plana, Maria Del Mar; Frumuselu, Anca Daniela
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Keeping hope in the Neverland through resistance and struggle: the Saturday mothers
Autor: Alkan, Eren
Director: Russell Brown, Elisabeth
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Keeping hope in the Neverland through resistance and struggle: the Saturday mothers
Autor: Alkan, Eren
Director: Russell Brown, Elisabeth
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Die Blumen der tugend des Heinrich Schlüsselfelder. Edition und untersuchung einer frühneuhochdeutschen übersetzung des Fiore di virtù aus dem 15. Jahrhundert
Autor: Christian Prado Wohlwend
Director: Macià Riutort I Riutort; Berta Raposo Fernández
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Quan els jutges (no) confien en els intèrprets: anàlisi dun corpus de procediments penals
Autor: Judith Raigal Aran
Director: Pym, Anthony David (Autor O Coautor) ; Anthony Pym; Carmen Bestué Salinas
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Quan els jutges (no) confien en els intèrprets: anàlisi d'un corpus de procediments penals
Autor: Raigal Aran, Judith
Director: Pym, Anthony David
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Signaled and tested skills in the recruitment processes of translators in Portugal
Autor: Antunes Brogueira, João Carlos
Director: Pym, Anthony David
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Common information techniques for the study of matroid representation and secret sharing schemes
Autor: Bamiloshin, Michael Olugbenga
Director: Gutiérrez-Colon Plana, Maria Del Mar; Rees, Geraint Paul; Farràs Ventura, Oriol
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Marcas autoriales en traducciones de Virginia Woolf al español.
Autor: Nerea Tera Faba
Director: Torres Simón, Ester
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Common information techniques for the study of matroid representation and secret sharing schemes
Autor: Bamiloshin, Michael Olugbenga
Director: Gutiérrez-Colon Plana, Maria Del Mar; Rees, Geraint Paul; Farràs Ventura, Oriol
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Educational prospects of Techno-CLIL strategies and implementation in the subject of History for the last triennium of Secondary schools.Two models from evidences in Italian Licei Linguistici
Autor: Porcedda, Maria Elisabetta
Director: Gutiérrez-Colon Plana, Maria Del Mar; Usart Rodríguez, Mireia; Gonzalez Martinez, Juan
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Online Language Learning Using Virtual Classrooms and Knowledge Building Forums
Autor: Manegre, Marni Lynne
Director: Gutiérrez-Colon Plana, Maria Del Mar; Gisbert Cervera, Maria Mercedes
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Game not over: Experienced language teachers' beliefs on the use of gamification in the foreign language classroom
Autor: Damevska, Ljubica
Director: Gutiérrez-Colon Plana, Maria Del Mar
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Online language learning using virtual classrooms andknowledge building forums
Autor: Marni Manegre
Director: Mercè Gisbert Cervera; Mar Gutiérrez-Colón Plana
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Game not over: experienced language teachers self-reported beliefs about the use of gamification in the foreign language classroom
Autor: Ljubica Damevska
Director: Mar Gutiérrez-Colón Plana
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Online Language Learning Using Virtual Classrooms and Knowledge Building Forums
Autor: Manegre , Marni Lynne
Director: Gutiérrez-Colon Plana, Maria Del Mar; Mercè Gisbert Cervera
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Publicacions en Revista / Papers 
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Títol: Prepositional Verbs and the Individual-/Stage- Level distinction
Autors: Acedo-Matellan, Victor; Oltra-Massuet, Isabel
Any: 2024 Clau: Article
Revista: Glossa. An Ambilingual Interdisciplinary Journal
País: N/D
Títol: A Gamified Learning Environment (Moodle) to Enhance English Language Learning at University Level
Autors: Azzouz Boudadi, Nadia; Gutiérrez-Colón, Mar; Usart Rodríguez, Mireia.
Any: 2024 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Instruction
País: N/D
Títol: Malvinas/Falklands War Narratives for Children: Images of Self and Other across the Atlantic
Autors: Bellot, Andrea R.
Any: 2024 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Examining International and Intercultural Issues in Palestinian English Teaching Textbooks
Autors: Faraj, Jehad; Bellot, Andrea & Frumuselu, Anca
Any: 2024 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: EFL teachers' perception and practice of intercultural competence in Palestine
Autors: Faraj, Jehad; Frumuselu, Anca Daniela; Bellot, Andrea Roxana
Any: 2024 Clau: Article
Revista: Issues In Educational Research
País: N/D
Títol: Digital competences of teachers in Lebanon: a comparison of teachers competences to educational standards
Any: 2024 Clau: Article
Revista: Research In Learning Technology
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of Cooperative Learning Instruction and Blogs on Aprehension of Intercultural Communication.
Autors: Ghada Awada; Mar Gutiérrez-Colón
Any: 2024 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Educational Technology Systems
País: N/D
Títol: Mobile-assisted Language learning to enhance L2 reading comprehension: a selection of implementation studies between 2012-2017
Autors: Gutiérrez-Colón M; Frumuselu; A.D.; Curell, H.
Any: 2024 Clau: Article
Revista: Interactive Learning Environments
País: N/D
Títol: Digital competences of teachers in Lebanon: a comparison of teachers' competences to educational standards
Autors: Momdjian, Levon; Manegre, Marni; Gutierrez-Colon, Mar
Any: 2024 Clau: Article
Revista: Research In Learning Technology
País: N/D
Títol: Sustainability Education to Promote Intercultural Competency in English Literary Studies Virtual Exchange
Autors: Wyman, Sarah & Bellot, Andrea
Any: 2024 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Non-standard Court Interpreting as Risk Management'
Autors: A Pym; J Raigal-Aran; CB Salinas
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Benjamins Translation Library
País: N/D
Títol: Tradução e aprendizado de línguas como opções políticas: questões de custo e desenvolvimento de literacia
Autors: Anthony Pym; Nathalia Gabriela Lopo Ferreira; Katherine Zuanny; Monique Pfau
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Cadernos De Traduçao
País: N/D
Títol: Virtual Exchange Programs and the Development of Cross-Cultural Communication and Academic Language Skills in Higher Education
Autors: Bellot, Andrea R.
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Translation policies in times of a pandemic An intercity comparison
Autors: Bouyzourn, K; Macreadie, R; Zhou, SX; Meylaerts, R; Pym, A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Language Problems & Language Planning
País: N/D
Títol: Translation policies in times of a pandemic
Autors: Bouyzourn, Kadija; Macreadie, Rachel; Zhou, Shuxia; Meylaerts, Reine; Pym, Anthony;
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Language Problems & Language Planning
País: N/D
Autors: Charalampous C; Trigoni T
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Theory Now. Journal Of Literature, Critique, And Thought
País: N/D
Títol: Tests para la evaluación/correlación de la competencia pragmática y gramatical en estudiantes sinohablantes de español
Autors: Gibert; I. , Gutiérrez-Colón, M.
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Porta Linguarum
País: N/D
Títol: Mobile-assisted Language learning to enhance L2 reading comprehension: a selection of implementation studies between 2012¿2017
Autors: Gutiérrez-Colón M; Frumuselu AD; Curell H
Any: 2023 Clau: Review
Revista: Interactive Learning Environments
País: N/D
Títol: Pivot Templators¿ Challenges and Training: Insights from a Survey Study with Subtitlers and Subtitler Trainers
Autors: Hanna Pi?ta; Susana Valdez; Esther Torres Simón; Rita Menezes
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Ikala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura
País: N/D
Títol: Where do translation students go? A study of the employment and mobility of Master graduates
Autors: Hao, Yu; Pym, Anthony;
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Interpreter And Translator Trainer
País: N/D
Títol: An experimental study on grammatical sensitivity and production competence in Chinese and Spanish EFL learners and its implications on EFL teaching methods
Autors: He Q; Oltra-Massuet I
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Psychology
País: N/D
Títol: Implicit Knowledge Acquisition and Potential Challenges for Advanced Chinese and Spanish EFL Learners: A Word Monitoring Test on English Questions
Autors: He Q; Oltra-Massuet I
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Behavioral Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Implicit Knowledge Acquisition and Potential Challenges for Advanced Chinese and Spanish EFL Learners: A Word Monitoring Test on English Questions
Autors: He, Qiaoling; Oltra-Massuet, Isabel
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Behavioral Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Theme vowels across frameworks: Default exponence, neutralizations patterns, and spellout
Autors: Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Tests para la evaluación/correlación de la competencia pragmática y gramatical en estudiantes sinohablantes de español
Autors: M Isabel Gibert Escofet; Mar Gutiérrez-Colón Plana
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Porta Linguarum
País: N/D
Títol: Arminius: un estudi onomástic
Autors: Macià Riutort i Riutort
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Estudios Franco-Alemanes
País: N/D
Títol: Foreign language learning through collaborative writing in knowledge building forums
Autors: Manegre M; Gutiérrez-Colón M
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Interactive Learning Environments
País: N/D
Títol: A Comparison of Perceptions of Digital Competences of Schoolteachers to School Leaders in Lebanon
Autors: Momdjian, L; Manegre,M; Gutiérrez-Colón, M.
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Social Sciences And Humanities Open
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of a gamified application on reading comprehension and attitude of Swahili among young learners in Kenya
Autors: Ndegwa, A; Gutiérrez-Colón, M; Manegre, M
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Interactive Learning Environments
País: N/D
Títol: null
Autors: Ndegwa, Alicia; Gutiérrez-Colón, Mar; Manegre, Marni
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Interactive Learning Environments
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of a gamified application on reading comprehension and attitude of Swahili among young learners in Kenya
Autors: Ndegwa, Alicia; Gutiérrez-Colón, Mar; Manegre, Marni.
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Interactive Learning Environments
País: N/D
Títol: Active Translation Literacy in the Literature Class
Autors: Pym, A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Pmla
País: N/D
Autors: Pym, A; Ferreira, NGL; Zuanny, KHD; Pfau, M
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Cadernos De Traduçao
País: N/D
Títol: Online Dictionaries and Accessibility for People with Visual Impairments
Autors: Rees, GP
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Lexicography
País: N/D
Títol: Secondhand China: Spain, the east, and the politics of translation
Autors: Torres-Simón, E
Any: 2023 Clau: Review
Revista: Perspectives-Studies In Translation Theory And Practice
País: N/D
Títol: Is indirect translation a friend or a foe of sustainable development?
Autors: Torres-Simón, E; Valdez, S; Pieta, H; Menezes, R
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Translation Spaces
País: N/D
Títol: Subtitlers' beliefs about pivot templates
Autors: Valdez, S; Pieta, H; Torres-Simón, E; Menezes, R
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Target-International Journal Of Translation Studies
País: N/D
Títol: Identity, racial cognizance, and intercultural competence: Students collective identities in the virtual literary classroom
Autors: Van Blommestein, Sharmain and Bellot, Andrea R.
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Indirect Translation Explained
Autors: Zhou, MY
Any: 2023 Clau: Review
Revista: Babel-Revue Internationale De La Traduction-International Journal Of Translation
País: N/D
Títol: Translating linguistic variation: Parody and the creation of authenticity
Autors: A Pym
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Traducción: Metrópoli Y Diáspora: Las Variantes Diatópicas De Traducción
País: N/D
Títol: Should raw machine translation be used for public-health information? Suggestions for a multilingual communication policy in Catalonia
Autors: Anthony Pym; Nune Ayvazyan; Jonathan Maurice Prioleau
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Just: Journal Of Language Rights & Minorities, Revista De Drets Lingüístics I Minories
País: N/D
Títol: Promoting translanguaging (or not) in the ESP classroom: An analysis of monoglossic and heteroglossic practices and discourses
Autors: Cots JM; Gallego-Balsà L; Llanes À
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: System
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of a gamified application on reading comprehension and attitude of Swahili among young learners in Kenya.
Autors: GUTIÉRREZ-COLON PLANA, MARIA DEL MAR; Ndegwa, Alicia Waceera Wangeci; Manegre, Marni Lynne
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: 22nd World Conference On Mobile, Blended And Seamless Learning (Mlearn2022)
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of a gamified application on reading comprehension and attitude of Swahili among young learners in Kenya
Autors: Gutiérrez-Colón, M.Ndegwa, A.Manegre, M
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Mlearn Conference Proceedings
País: N/D
Títol: Teaching how to teach translation: tribulations of a tandem-learning model
Autors: Hao, Yu; Pym, Anthony;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Perspectives-Studies In Translation Theory And Practice
País: N/D
Títol: Enhancing COVID-19 public health communication for culturally and linguistically diverse communities: An Australian interview study with community representatives
Autors: Karidakis, Maria; Robyn Woodward-Kron; Riccardo Amorati; Bei Hu; Anthony Pym; John Hajek
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Qualitative Heath Communication
País: N/D
Títol: Crossing representational borders in Lola Arias' Minefield/Campo Minado
Autors: Pividori, Cristina; Bellot, Andrea;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Text And Performance Quarterly
País: N/D
Títol: Should raw machine translation be used for public-health information? Suggestions for a multilingual communication policy in Catalonia
Autors: Pym, A., Ayvazyan, N., and Prioleau, J.
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Who says who interprets? On the possible existence of an interpreter system
Autors: Pym, Anthony;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Translator
País: N/D
Títol: Frankenberg-Garcia, A., Rees, G.P., & Lew, R. (2021) Slipping through the cracks in e-lexicography. International Journal of Lexicography, 34(2), 206-234.
Autors: Rees, Geraint Paul
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Developing Teaching Competences With Service-Learning Projects
Autors: Sartor-Harada A; Azevedo-Gomes J; Torres-Simón E
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Higher Education Outreach & Engagement
País: N/D
Títol: High-school students' perception of the American War through literature: a case study from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Autors: Tu-Anh Ha; Roxana Bellot, Andrea; Thuy Phuong Thi Le;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Peace Education
País: N/D
Títol: Is automation changing the translation profession?
Autors: Anthony Pym; Esther Torres Simón
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of The Sociology Of Language
País: N/D
Títol: Portraying Linguistic Exclusion. Cases of Russian-speakers in the province of Tarragona, Spain
Autors: Ayvazyan, Nune; Pym, Anthony
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Revisiting the past, narrating war memories: retelling the Falklands War in a soldier¿s song
Autors: Bellot A
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: University Of Bucharest Review: Literary And Cultural Studies Series
País: N/D
Títol: Family Matters: Trauma and the Legacy of War in James Allen Moad II's Outside Paducah: The Wars at Home
Autors: Bellot AR
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of The Contemporary Drama In English
País: N/D
Títol: Hope and Reconciliation: Humanitarian Cooperation between Former War Enemies
Autors: Bellot, Andrea R.
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: The Phantom in the House: Women and War in Outside Paducah: The Wars at Home (Moad, 2016)
Autors: Bellot, Andrea R.
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Keeping the Memories of the Malvinas/Falklands War Alive: Exploring Memorial Sites in the UK, Argentina and the Falkland Islands
Autors: Bellot, Andrea Roxana;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Metacritic Journal For Comparative Studies And Theory
País: N/D
Títol: Evolution of images of Korea in the paratexts to Korean literature in English translation
Autors: Esther Torres Simón
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Transletters
País: N/D
Títol: La confianza de los estudiantes de traducción en la traducción automática: ¿demasiado buena para ser verdad?
Autors: Esther Torres Simón; Anthony Pym
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Internacional De Lenguas Extranjeras = International Journal Of Foreign Languages
País: N/D
Títol: Disseny d¿una simulació judicial multilingüe per futurs traductors, intèrprets i operadors jurídics: Col¿laboració interdepartamental
Autors: Esther Torres Simón; Judith Raigal Aran; Diana Marín Consarnau; Maria Font i Mas; Sergio Prats Jané; Anthony Pym
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Del Cidui: Congrés Internacional De Docència Universitària I Innovació
País: N/D
Títol: Intercultural Competence in Crisis: An Analysis of the Cultural Content in Palestinian EFL Textbooks
Autors: Fajad, Jehad, Bellot, Andrea R. and Frumuselu, Anca D.
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Autors: Garcia Lopez, Ines;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Svmma. Revista De Cultures Medievals
País: N/D
Títol: Pragmatics' competence test for Chinese students of Spanish as a foreign language
Autors: Gibert-Escofet, Isabel; Gutierrez-Colon, Mar; Medina Garcia, Pedro-Manuel;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Onomazein
País: N/D
Títol: English as a Foreign Language: Listening to Students and Teachers, a Case Study in LAO PDR
Autors: Gutiérrez-Colón, M; Somsivilay, P.
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Instruction
País: N/D
Títol: Translation skills required by Master's graduates for employment: Which are needed, which are not?
Autors: Hao, Yu; Pym, Anthony;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Across Languages And Cultures
País: N/D
Títol: Translation skills required by Master¿s graduates for employment: Which are needed, which are not?
Autors: Hao, Yu; Pym, Anthony;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Across Languages And Cultures
País: N/D
Títol: Morphosyntactic inconsistency in cross-linguistic transfer: Pedagogical implications for teaching English questions to Chinese EFL learners
Autors: He, Qiaoling; Oltra-Massuet, Isabel;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Language Teaching Research
País: N/D
Títol: Challenges in promoting an inclusive educational environment for british children: Issues of race, ethnicity and social class
Autors: Hà TA; Bellot AR
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Cultural Perspectives : Journal For Literary And British Cultural Studies In Romania
País: N/D
Títol: A story-based approach to the teaching of English (L2) word writing: a case study from primary education
Autors: Hà, Tú Anh and Bellot, Andrea R.
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: On the Nature of Theme Vowels: A View from Catalan and Spanish
Autors: I Oltra-Massuet
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Handout, Workshop Theme Vowels In V (P) Structure And Beyond
País: N/D
Títol: Test de nivel de comprensión pragmática para estudiantes sinohablantes de español como lengua extranjera
Autors: Isabel Gibert-Escofet, Mar Gutiérrez-Colón Plana y Pedro-Manuel Medina Garcia
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Onomazein
País: N/D
Títol: El tratamiento de los verbos deverbales: de Alemany Bolufer a la Morfología Distribuida
Autors: Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Anexos De Revista De Lexicografía
País: N/D
Títol: Avaluant en temps de COVID-19: Les proves invertides o flipped exams per a una avaluació fiable i formadora
Autors: Isabel Oltra-Massuet; Georgina Alvarez Morera; Celia Fullana
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Del Cidui: Congrés Internacional De Docència Universitària I Innovació
País: N/D
Títol: Avaluant en temps de COVID-19: Les proves invertides o flipped exams per a una avaluació fiable i formadora
Autors: Isabel Oltra-Massuet; Georgina Alvarez-Morera; Celia Fullana
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Del Cidui: Congrés Internacional De Docència Universitària I Innovació
País: N/D
Títol: A theoretical journey from social constructivism to digital storytelling
Autors: Lizzie Abderrahim; Mar Gutiérrez-Colón Plana
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Eurocall Review
País: N/D
Títol: Translation and language learning as policy options: Questions of costs and literacy development
Autors: Pym A
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Translation And Interpreting
País: N/D
Títol: Cooperation, risk, trust. A restatement of translator ethics
Autors: Pym, A.
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Stridon. Journal Of Studies In Translation And Interpreting
País: N/D
Títol: On cosmopolitan translation and how worldviews might change
Autors: Pym, A.
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Stellenbosch Papers In Linguistics Plus
País: N/D
Títol: On recent nationalisms in translation studies
Autors: Pym, A.
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Incontext: Studies In Translation And Interculturalism
País: N/D
Títol: Translation and language learning as policy options. Questions of costs and literacy development
Autors: Pym, A.
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Translation &Amp; Interpreting
País: N/D
Títol: Aspects of Machine Translation: An Interview with Professor Anthony Pym
Autors: Pym, A. Fan, M.
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Shandong Foreign Language Teaching
País: N/D
Títol: Is automation changing the translation profession?
Autors: Pym, A., Torres-Simón, E.
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Sociolinguistics
País: N/D
Títol: Morphosyntactic inconsistency in cross-linguistic transfer: Pedagogical implications for teaching English questions to Chinese EFL learners
Autors: Qiaoling He; Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Language Teaching Research
País: N/D
Títol: Indirect translation in translator training: taking stock and looking ahead
Autors: Torres-Simón E; Pi¿ta H; Bueno Maia R; Xavier C
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Interpreter And Translator Trainer
País: N/D
Títol: La confianza de los estudiantes de traducción en la traducción automática: ¿demasiado buena para ser verdad?
Autors: Torres-Simón, Ester; Pym, Anthony
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Internacional De Lenguas Extranjeras = International Journal Of Foreign Languages
País: N/D
Títol: Teaching The Vietnam War Through Literature: A Pedagogical Proposal For Healing And Peace Education
Autors: Tú, Anh Hà and Bellot, Andrea R.
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of Gamification on students¿ motivation and learning achievement in Second Language Acquisition within higher education: a literature review 2011-2019
Autors: Azzouz, N.; Gutiérrez-Colón, M.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
País: N/D
Títol: Authoring war memories: war memoir writing and testimonial theatre performances
Autors: Bellot, Andrea R.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: During a period of total despair, I picked up a pen: Exploring Trauma, Writing and Healing in A Soldiers Song, Ken Lukowiaks Falklands War Recollections
Autors: Bellot, Andrea R.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Gendering acts of war remembrance and appeal to emotions in the media
Autors: Bellot, Andrea R.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Intergenerational War Memories and Exile in Beatriz Copellos Forbidden Steps Under the Wisteria
Autors: Bellot, Andrea R.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Enhancing urban culture awareness and anti-racism values in the efl classroom
Autors: Frumuselu AD; Bellot AR
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Cultural Perspectives : Journal For Literary And British Cultural Studies In Romania
País: N/D
Títol: Language policy and the internationalization of universities: A focus on Estonian higher education
Autors: Gallego Balsa, Lidia;
Any: 2020 Clau: Review
Revista: Treballs De Sociolingüística Catalana
País: N/D
Títol: Language Choice and Researcher's Stance in a Multilingual Ethnographic Fieldwork
Autors: Gallego-Balsa, Lidia;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Applied Linguistics Review
País: N/D
Títol: An interview with Jonathan Rosa, expert in language, race, and education
Autors: Gallego-Balsà L
Any: 2020 Clau: Review
Revista: Bellaterrajournal Of Teaching And Learning Language And Literature
País: N/D
Títol: Language(s), culture(s), ethnicity(-ies), social class and religious background: Intersections in researcher's identity and ethnography
Autors: Gallego-Balsà L
Any: 2020 Clau: Review
Revista: Applied Linguistics Review
País: N/D
Títol: Desarrollo de un test de nivel de comprensión pragmática para estudiantes sinohablantes de español como lengua extranjera.
Autors: Gibert Escofet, I; Gutiérrez-Colón, M.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
País: N/D
Títol: Preliminary study for the creation of a test of pragmatics for Chinese students of Spanish as a Foreign Language
Autors: Gibert Escofet, I; Gutiérrez-Colón, M.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Onomazein
País: N/D
Títol: Mobile-assisted Language learning to enhance L2 reading comprehension: a selection of implementation studies between 2012¿2017
Autors: Gutiérrez-Colon, M; Frumuselu, A.D.; Curell, H.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
País: N/D
Títol: Assessing storytelling as a tool for improving reading comprehension in the EFL primary classroom
Autors: Ha Tu Anh; Bellot, Andrea Roxana;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: English Teaching-Practice And Critique
País: N/D
Títol: Conjugation Class
Autors: Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Oxford Research Encyclopedia Of Linguistics
País: N/D
Títol: Questionnaire for the Assessment of Self-Disgust (QASD): The Psychometric Testing among Mental Disorders in China
Autors: Jin Y, Li Y, Gutiérrez-Colón M, Jiménez-Herrera M
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
País: N/D
Títol: Questionnaire for the Assessment of Self-Disgust: The psychometric testing among mental disorders in China
Autors: Jin, Yanfei; Li, Yufeng; Gutierrez-Colon, Mar; Jimenez-Herrera, Maria
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
País: N/D
Títol: Poster presentations in Translation Studies State of the art and seven tips for improvement
Autors: Laura Ivaska; Ester Torres-Simón
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Electronic Journal Of The Kätu Symposium On Translation And Interpreting Studies
País: N/D
Títol: Preliminary study for the creation of a test of pragmatics for Chinese students of Spanish as a foreign language
Autors: M Isabel Gibert Escofet; Mar Gutiérrez-Colón Plana
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Onomazein
País: N/D
Títol: Desarrollo de un test de nivel de comprensión pragmática para estudiantes sinohablantes de español como lengua extranjera
Autors: M Isabel Gibert Escofet; Mar Gutiérrez-Colón Plana; Pedro Manuel Medina Garcia
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Onomazein
País: N/D
Títol: Foreign language learning through collaborative writing in knowledge building forums
Autors: Manegre M; Gutiérrez-Colón M
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Interactive Learning Environments
País: N/D
Títol: Foreign Language Learning Through Collaborative Writing in Knowledge Building Forums
Autors: Manegre, M.; Gutiérrez-Colón, M.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of Gamification on students¿ motivation and learning achievement in Second Language Acquisition within higher education: a literature review 2011-2019
Autors: Nadia Azzouzz, Mar Gutiérrez-Colón Plana
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Eurocall Review
País: N/D
Títol: ...a történetírás eredend¿en irodalmi m¿faj, és úgy vélem, továbbra is annak kell maradnia¿
Autors: Pym, A.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Aetas TöRténettudományi Folyóirat
País: N/D
Títol: Bizalomalapú fordítástörténelem. A kulcskérdések és egy illusztráció
Autors: Pym, A.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Aetas TöRténettudományi Folyóirat
País: N/D
Títol: ESP1 within ESP: the design and implementation of a pronunciation module in a technical English course
Autors: Quesada Vazquez, Leticia; Romero, Joaquin;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Onomazein
País: N/D
Títol: Aspectos culturales en los manuales de E/LE destinados a alumnos de español fuera de sus fronteras lingüísticas: El Caso de los Manuales de español para argelinos
Autors: Rachid Nadir; Mar Gutiérrez-Colón Plana; Macià Riutort i Riutort
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Foro De Profesores De E-Le
País: N/D
Títol: Roberts, J., Butcher, P., Lew, R., Rees, G.P., Sharma, N., & Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2020). Visualising word collocation for close writing. In A. Kerren, C. Garth, and G. E. Marai, (Eds.). EuroVis 2020 - Short Papers. The Eurographics Association.
Autors: Rees, Geraint Paul
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Feedback and Mobile Instant Messaging: Using WhatsApp as a Feedback Tool in EFL
Autors: Soria S., Gutiérrez-Colón M., Frumuselu A.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
País: N/D
Títol: Feedback and mobile instant messaging: Using whatsapp as a feedback tool in EFL
Autors: Soria S; Gutiérrez-Colón M; Frumuselu A
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Instruction
País: N/D
Llibres / Books 
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Títol: Diccionario de lugares utópicos
Autors: Andrea Bellot; Ana Clara Rey Segovia; Andrew Ginger; Berta del Río Alcalá; Cristina de Lucio Atonal; José Carlos Ferrera; Diego Sebastián Crescentino; Daniele Porretta; Diana Q Palardy; Elena Ansotegui; Elisabetta Di Minico; Emmánuel Lizcano Fernández; Elizabeth Russell; Francisco José Martínez Mesa; Georg W Wink; Hugo García Fernández; Horacio Tarcus; Ivanna Margarucci; Javier Álvarez Caballero; Jesús de Felipe Redondo; Jan Gustafsson; Jesús Izquierdo Martín; Juan Luis Simal; Julia Ramírez Blanco; Lucas E Misseri; Laura Fernandez Cordero; Lucas Margarit; Lucía Muñoz Sueiro; Luis Toledo Machado; Manuel Alvargonzález Fernández; María Aguado Molina; Martín P González; Nere Basabe; Pol Dalmau i Palet; Pedro José Mariblanca Corrales; Rodri Robledal; Victoria Kokonova; Juan Pro (dir)
Any: 2022 Clau: Books
Capítols de Llibre / Book chapters 
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Títol: An Analysis of the Efficiency of a Selection of Mobile Language Learning Apps
Autors: Ana Gimeno; GUTIÉRREZ-COLON PLANA, MARIA DEL MAR; Manegre, Marni Lynne
Any: 2024 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: What Kind of Translation Literacy Will Be Automation-Resistant?
Autors: Ayvazyan N; Torres-Simón E; Pym A
Any: 2024 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: An Analysis of the Efficiency of a Selection of Mobile Language Learning Apps
Autors: Gimeno, A.; Gutiérrez-Colón, M.; Manegre, M.
Any: 2024 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Demonstrating the Value of Values-Based Education: What We Have Learned About Learning from the Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory (BEVI)
Autors: Acheson K; Bhuyan D; Brewster L; Burgess J; Dirkx J; Grande S; Kapadia S; Kenny A; Kouwenaar K; Lovat T; Ma J; Ma W; Nakamura YT; Nielsen T; Nishitani H; Pang G; Raab C; Shealy C; Staton R; Sternberger L; Still I; Style J; Toomey R; Wiley J
Any: 2023 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: British in Stock and Tradition: The Media Representation of the Falkland Islanders
Autors: Bellot AR
Any: 2023 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Reviewing Spanish students' responses to the implementation of a virtual exchange project in EFL literature
Autors: Bellot AR
Any: 2023 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Modal adjectives
Autors: Isabel Oltra-Massuet; Elena Castroviejo
Any: 2023 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Modalidad morfológica adjetiva
Autors: Isabel Oltra-Massuet; Elena Castroviejo
Any: 2023 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Triage and technology in healthcare translation
Autors: Pym, A.
Any: 2023 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Non-standard court interpreting as risk management
Autors: Pym, A., Raigal-Aran, J., and Bestué Salinas, C.
Any: 2023 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Community Trust in Translations of Official COVID-19 Communications in Australia An Ethical Dilemma Between Academics and News Media
Autors: Pym, A; Hu, B; Karidakis, M; Hajek, J; Woodward-Kron, R; Amorati, R
Any: 2023 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: The pronunciation of <j> in German - Fricative or Approximant?
Any: 2023 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: E. S. Dallas¿s Literary Theory: The ¿Hidden Soul¿ and the Workings of the Imagination
Autors: Trigoni, Thalia
Any: 2023 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Portraying Linguistic Exclusion. Cases of Russian-speakers in the province of Tarragona, Spain.
Autors: Ayvazyan, Nune; Pym, Anthony
Any: 2022 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Unergative Cognate Structures across English and Romance
Autors: Celia Fullana; Georgina Alvarez Morera; Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Any: 2022 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Unergative cognate structures across English and Romance
Autors: Celia Fullana; Georgina Alvarez-Morera; Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Any: 2022 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Fins al final del món
Autors: Elizabeth Russell
Any: 2022 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Observacions sobre la solidaritat
Autors: Elizabeth Russell
Any: 2022 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Integrating Virtual Exchange Practices and Digital Instructional Tools in EFL Courses at University Level
Autors: Frumuselu, Anca & Bellot, Andrea R.
Any: 2022 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Revisiting Zumthorian Vocality in Old Norse Poetry Studies
Any: 2022 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Flipped exams as a reliable and formative assessment tool in Higher Education: Report of a COVID19 methodological innovation
Autors: Isabel Oltra-Massuet; Georgina Alvarez-Morera; Celia Fullana
Any: 2022 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Der Unterricht der Phonetik und Prosodie im Fach Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Die deutsche Orthoepie als utopische Wunschaussprache
Autors: Macià Riutort i Riutort
Any: 2022 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: The pronunciation of -j- in German - Fricative or Approximant?
Autors: Macià Riutort i Riutort, Joaquín Romero, Kai A. Voltmer
Any: 2022 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Flipped exams as a reliable and formative assessment tool in higher education: Report of a Covid-19 methodological innovation
Autors: Oltra-Massuet I; Alvarez-Morera G; Fullana C
Any: 2022 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Conceptual tools in translation history
Autors: Pym, A
Any: 2022 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Community trust in translations of official COVID-19 communications in Australia: An ethical dilemma between academics and news media
Autors: Pym, A., Hu, B., Karidakis, M., Hajek, J., Woodward-Kron, R., Amorati, R
Any: 2022 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Trust and Cooperation through Social Media. Covid-19 translations for Chinese communities in Melbourne
Autors: Pym, A.; Hu, B.
Any: 2022 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Investigation into the correlation between perception and production of English sentence stress by Chinese EFL learners
Autors: Xiaodan Zhang; Joaquín Romero Gallego
Any: 2022 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Efectos de la automatización en las competencias básicas del traductor: la traducción automática neuronal
Autors: Anthony Pym; Esther Torres Simón
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Cognate objects across Albanian, English and Romance
Autors: Dalina Kallulli; Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: El cos en trànsit i el viatge emocional
Autors: Elizabeth Russell
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Efectos de la automatización en las competencias básicas del traductor: la traducción automática neuronal
Autors: Ester Torres-Simon, Anthony Pym
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: El tratamiento de los verbos deverbales: de Alemany Bolufer a la Morfología Distribuida
Autors: Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Morphology and neurolinguistics of Spanish
Autors: Isabel Oltra-Massuet; Linnaea Stockall
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Internationalisation of universities and minority languages: language policy tensions in Catalonia, Wales and the Basque Autonomous Community
Autors: Lídia Gallego-Balsà, Josep M. Cots, Peter Garrett
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Identifying collocation issues in English L2 research article writing
Autors: Pinto, Paula Tavares; Rees, Geraint Paul; Frankenberg-Garcia, Ana;
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Conceptual tools in translation history
Autors: Pym A
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Translator ethics
Autors: Pym, A
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Conceptual tools in translation history
Autors: Pym, A.
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Contours of translation studies in Australia
Autors: Pym, A.
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: On Erlebnis in translation knowledge
Autors: Pym, A.
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Discipline-specific academic phraseology Corpus evidence and potential applications
Autors: Rees, Geraint Paul;
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: For a sociology of translator training
Autors: Anthony Pym
Any: 2020 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Rebranding translation
Autors: Anthony Pym
Any: 2020 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Estudio comparativo de la modalidad habilitativa en predicados no verbales en lenguas romances, germánicas y euskera
Autors: Elena Castroviejo Miró; Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Any: 2020 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Estudio comparativo de la modalidad habilitativa en predicados no verbales en lenguas romances, germánicas y euskera
Autors: Elena Castroviejo; Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Any: 2020 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Die Reise nach Spanien von Gunnar Gunnarson und ihre literarische Bearbeitung für die deutsche Leserschaft durch Helmut de Boor
Autors: Macià Riutort i Riutort
Any: 2020 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Propuesta de nueva etimología para bernstein
Autors: Macià Riutort i Riutort
Any: 2020 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Literary translation
Autors: Pym, A,
Any: 2020 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Translation, risk management and cognition
Autors: Pym, A.
Any: 2020 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Translator ethics
Autors: Pym, A.
Any: 2020 Clau: Book Chapters
Altres Documents / Other documents 
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Títol: Objective versus perceived proficiency in pronunciation assessment of phonetic detail in advanced L2 English learners
Any: 2023 Clau: Proceeding
Títol: The syntax of argument structure alternations across frameworks
Autors: Svitlana Antonyuk; Ángel Jiménez-Fernández; Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Any: 2023 Clau: Mass-produced Publication
Títol: Entradas a Diccionario de Lugares Utópicos, Juan Pro. Entradas: 1. Atlántida2. Nueva Atlántida3. La Federación4. Y Wladfa5. Jerusalén6. La Plata7. La Meca8. Ofir9. Canopus10. Finland11. Islandia12. Islas Malvinas13. Tartessos14. Giszowiec
Any: 2022 Clau: Diccionary
Títol: Investigating the influence of sentence stress perception on foreign accent in utterances
Autors: Xiaodan Zhang, Joaquín Romero
Any: 2021 Clau: Proceeding
Patents Sol.licitades / Patents 
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Títol: Vídeos sobre explotació didàctica de la pragmàtica i material complementari associat-2024PAT-07
Any: 2024 Tipus: Other Industrial Properties Modalities
Organismes: N/D
Països: N/D
Congressos / Conferences 
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Títol: Provision of PSIT in Catalonia, Spain: the state of PSIT in healthcare
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2023
Títol: Translation as Event in Superdiverse Societies: Learning from a Pandemic
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2023
Títol: Objective versus perceived proficiency in pronunciation assessment of phonetic detail in advanced L2 English learners
Congrés/acte: Proceedings Of The 20th International Congress Of Phonetic Sciences
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2023
Títol: Explicit rules or implicit imitation: a comparative study of two approaches to teaching English prosody
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2023
Autor/a: ROMERO GALLEGO, JOAQUIN; Zhang, Xiaodan
Títol: Explicit rules or implicit imitation: a comparative study of two approaches to teaching English prosody
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2023
Títol: Lessons Learned from the Global Pandemic: Provision of PSIT in the Tarragona area, Spain
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Paper
Any: 2022
Títol: Machine-translation literacies, inclusion and language rights in the production and reception of vaccination information for CALD communities in Catalonia
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2022
Autor/a: Anthony Pym
Títol: On the correct relation between translators and academics
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2022
Autor/a: Anthony Pym
Títol: Translation and community mediation: Lessons from multilingual COVID healthcare communication
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2022
Autor/a: Anthony Pym
Títol: Translation and the tricks of trade-offs
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2022
Autor/a: Anthony Pym
Títol: Why are there still so many translators? The historical consequences of automation
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2022
Autor/a: Anthony Pym
Títol: Why should translators think about risk management?
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2022
Autor/a: Ayvazyan, N., Pym, A.
Títol: Machine-translation literacies, inclusion and language rights. in the production and reception of Covid-19 vaccination in Catalonia
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Conference and other non published contributions
Any: 2022
Autor/a: Dalina Kallulli; Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Títol: A comparative study of cognate objects across Albanian, English and Romance
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Poster
Any: 2022
Autor/a: Joaquín Romero
Títol: Ceiling effects and the limitations of intelligibility and accentedness ratings for advanced L2 English learners
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2022
Autor/a: Mar Gutiérrez-Colón Plana
Títol: Training Swahili reading skills in Kenya: mobile phones and gamification
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2022
Títol: Empirical translation history: Tripping over the Executed Renaissance
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Paper
Any: 2022
Títol: Training in translation technologies
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Discussion board
Any: 2022
Títol: Translator training - don't bridge the gap
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2022
Títol: Vaccination trust as a test of language policies
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Chair of session
Any: 2022
Autor/a: Pym, A.
Títol: A defense of risk management in interpreting
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Paper
Any: 2022
Autor/a: Pym, A.
Títol: Problem-solving in translation studies (and anything else in the humanities)
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Conference and other non published contributions
Any: 2022
Autor/a: Pym, A.
Títol: Rebranding translation
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2022
Autor/a: Qiaoling He; Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Títol: Grammatical Sensitivity and Language Production Competence: Exploring Advanced EFL Learners Acquisition of English Questions
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2022
Autor/a: Qiaoling He; Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Títol: Implicit Knowledge Acquisition of English Questions in Advanced Chinese and Spanish EFL Learners: Results from Grammar Sensitivity in a Word Monitoring Test.
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2022
Autor/a: Rees, Geraint Paul
Títol: Rees, G.P. (2022, July) Online dictionaries and accessibility for people with visual impairments. Paper presented at XX EURALEX International Congress, Mannheim, Germany.
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Paper
Any: 2022
Autor/a: Xiaodan Zhang, Joaquín Romero
Títol: Explicit Rules or Implicit Imitation: a Comparative Study on the Approaches of Teaching English Prosody
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2022
Autor/a: Georgina Alvarez Morera; Celia Fullana; Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Títol: Unergative Cognate Structures and Light Verb Constructions across English and Romance
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Títol: Evaluative morphology across domains. A view from Catalan and Spanish
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Títol: On the nature of theme vowels: a view from Catalan and Spanish
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Títol: On the spell-out of theme vowels in Catalan and Spanish
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Macià Riutort i Riutort, Joaquín Romero, Kai Voltmer
Títol: Die Aussprache von -w- und -j- im Deutschen: Frikative oder Approximanten?
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Pym, A.
Títol: Cultural translation and the names for God in Central Australia
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Conference and other non published contributions
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Pym, A.
Títol: Fast and slow in translation technology
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Paper
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Pym, A.
Títol: Language-service Provision to Immigrant Communities. The Australian Experience
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Pym, A.
Títol: Machine translation and creativity
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Pym, A.
Títol: Reflexive empiricism
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Conference and other non published contributions
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Pym, A.
Títol: When trust is more important than having professional interpreters
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Pym, A., Hu, B.
Títol: Community Trust in Translated Behaviour-Change Communication: Ethics between Academics and the Press
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Qiaoling He; Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Títol: Morphosyntactic Discrepancy between Secondary-level Chinese and Spanish EFL Learners: Tracing Cross-linguistic Influence in English Questions.
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Rees, Geraint Paul
Títol: Collocation and collaboration: Developing the ColloCaid writing assistant. Invited seminar for the Infolex research group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 12 April 2021
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Rees, Geraint Paul
Títol: Rees, G.P. (2021, July) Measuring user workload in e-Lexicography with the NASA Task Load Index. Paper at eLex 2021: Post-editing Lexicography, Online.
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Paper
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Rees, Geraint Paul
Títol: Rees, G.P., Frankenberg-Garcia A., Lew, R., Roberts, J., Butcher P. and Sharma, N. (2021, September) ColloCaid: A corpus-based writing assistant for academic English collocation. Presentation at PLM2021, Poznan, Poland.
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Paper
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Torres-Simón, E,: Raigal Aran, J.; Marín, D.; Font, M.; Prats, S.; Pym, A.
Títol: Disseny d¿una simulació judicial multilingüe per futurs traductors, intèrprets i operadors jurídics
Congrés/acte: Congrés Internacional De Docència Universitària I Innovació
Congrés/acte: Paper
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Víctor Acedo-Matellán; Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Títol: Els verbs de règim preposicional i la distinció predicats d¿estadi i d¿individu
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Xiaodan Zhang, Joaquín Romero
Títol: Investigating the influence of sentence stress perception on foreign accent in utterances
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Poster
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Xiaodan Zhang, Joaquín Romero
Títol: Investigation into the correlation between perception and production of English sentence stress by Chinese EFL learners
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Block, David; GALLEGO BALSÀ, LÍDIA
Títol: Working class minority ethnic students in Catalan higher education: The narratives of an under-researched group
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2020
Autor/a: Isabel Oltra-Massuet
Títol: El tratamiento de los verbos deverbales: De Alemany Bolufer a la Morfología Distribuida
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2020
Autor/a: Pym, A.
Títol: How are translations really received?
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Conference and other non published contributions
Any: 2020
Autor/a: Pym, A.
Títol: Teaching translation technology
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2020
Autor/a: Pym, A.
Títol: The translation market, technology and selling trustworthiness
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Paper
Any: 2020
Autor/a: Pym, A.
Títol: Translations and their readers. What we know and don¿t know
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Paper
Any: 2020
Autor/a: Pym, A.
Títol: Translator ethics: from cooperation to risk and trust
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Conference and other non published contributions
Any: 2020
Autor/a: Pym, A.
Títol: Trust and simulacra in behavior-change communication
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2020
Autor/a: Pym, A.
Títol: Trust and the public communication of knowledge: Lessons from language translation
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Conference and other non published contributions
Any: 2020
Autor/a: Pym, A.
Títol: Why do most translation students not become translators?
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Invited paper
Any: 2020
Autor/a: Pym, A., Hao, Y.
Títol: Training professionals: Who needs translation technologies?
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Paper
Any: 2020
Autor/a: Rees, Geraint Paul
Títol: Roberts, J.C., Butcher, P.W.S., Lew, R., Rees, G.P., Sharma, N., & Frankenberg-Garcia, A., (2020, May). Visualising collocation for close writing. Paper presented at Eurographics & Euroviz 2020, Norrköping, Sweden (virtual conference).
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Paper
Any: 2020