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Resultats - Peiró Ibáñez, Óscar Manuel

Peiró Ibáñez, Óscar Manuel

Tesis Doctorals Dirigides / Theses 
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Publicacions en Revista / Papers 
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Títol: Bile Acids and Risk of Adverse Cardiovascular Events and All-Cause Mortality in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome.
Autors: Mateu-Fabregat J; Mostafa H; Sanchez-Gimenez R; Peiró ÓM; Bonet G; Carrasquer A; Fragkiadakis GA; Bardaji A; Bulló M; Papandreou C
Any: 2024 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Prevalence and prognostic implications of myocardial injury across different waves of COVID-19
Autors: Peiró ÓM; Delgado-Cornejo JR; Sánchez-Giménez R; del-Moral-Ronda V; Lal-Trehan N; Rocamora-Horrach M; Carrasquer A; Peraire J; Fort-Gallifa I; Bardaji A
Any: 2024 Clau: Article
Revista: Front Cardiovasc Med
País: N/D
Títol: Prevalence and prognostic implications of myocardial injury across different waves of COVID-19
Autors: Peiró, OM; Delgado-Cornejo, JR; Sánchez-Giménez, R; del-Moral-Ronda, V; Lal-Trehan, N; Rocamora-Horrach, M; Carrasquer, A; Peraire, J; Fort-Gallifa, I; Bardaji, A
Any: 2024 Clau: Article
Revista: Front Cardiovasc Med
País: N/D
Títol: Immunoglobulins in COVID-19 pneumonia: from the acute phase to the recovery phase
Autors: Peraire J; García-Pardo G; Chafino S; Sánchez A; Botero-Gallego M; Olona M; Espineira S; Reverté L; Skouridou V; Peiró ÓM; Gómez-Bertomeu F; Vidal F; O' Sullivan CK; Rull A
Any: 2024 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Medical Research
País: N/D
Títol: TCA cycle metabolites associated with adverse outcomes after acute coronary syndrome: mediating effect of renal function
Autors: Sanchez-Gimenez, R; Peiró, OM; Bonet, G; Carrasquer, A; Fragkiadakis, GA; Bulló, M; Papandreou, C; Bardaji, A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Front Cardiovasc Med
País: N/D
Títol: Performance of Coronary Angiography in the Detection of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Systolic Left Ventricular Dysfunction and No Prior Ischemic Heart Disease
Autors: Peiró ÓM; Ferrero M; Romeu A; Carrasquer A; Bonet G; Mohandes M; Pernigotti A; Bardají A
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Gut Microbiota-Derived Metabolites and Cardiovascular Disease Risk: A Systematic Review of Prospective Cohort Studies
Autors: Sanchez-Gimenez, Raul; Ahmed-Khodja, Wahiba; Molina, Yesica; Peiro, Oscar M.; Bonet, Gil; Carrasquer, Anna; Fragkiadakis, George A.; Bullo, Monica; Bardaji, Alfredo; Papandreou, Christopher;
Any: 2022 Clau: Review
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Prognostic implications of myocardial injury in patients with and without COVID-19 infection treated in a university hospital
Autors: Bardají A; Carrasquer A; Sánchez-Giménez R; Lal-Trehan N; del-Moral-Ronda V; Peiró ÓM; Bonet G; Castilho G; Fort-Gallifa I; Benavent C; Recio G; Gutiérrez C; Villavicencio C; Auguet T; Boqué C
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Clinical characteristics and prognostic implications of diabetes and myocardial injury in patients admitted to the emergency room
Autors: Bonet, Gil; Carrasquer, Anna; Peiro, Oscar M.; Sanchez-Gimenez, Raul; Lal-Trehan, Nisha; del-Moral-Ronda, Victor; Fort-Gallifa, Isabel; Bardaji, Alfredo;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmc Cardiovascular Disorders
País: N/D
Títol: Lack of Association of Initial Viral Load in SARS-CoV-2 Patients with In-Hospital Mortality
Autors: Carrasquer, Anna; Peiro, Oscar M.; Sanchez-Gimenez, Raul; Lal-Trehan, Nisha; del-Moral-Ronda, Victor; Bonet, Gil; Gutierrez, Cristina; Fort-Gallifa, Isabel; Martin-Grau, Carla; Benavent, Clara; Vidal, Francesc; Bardaji, Alfredo;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: American Journal Of Tropical Medicine And Hygiene
País: N/D
Títol: Biomarkers and short-term prognosis in COVID-19
Autors: Peiró ÓM; Carrasquer A; Sánchez-Gimenez R; Lal-Trehan N; del-Moral-Ronda V; Bonet G; Fort-Gallifa I; Picó-Plana E; Bastón-Paz N; Gutiérrez C; Bardaji A
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomarkers
País: N/D
Títol: A simple combination of biomarkers for risk stratification in octogenarians with acute myocardial infarction
Autors: Sanz-Girgas, Esther; Peiro, Oscar M.; Bonet, Gil; Rodriguez-Lopez, Judit; Scardino, Claudia; Ferrero-Guillem, Maria; Vasquez, Karla; Romeu-Nieto, Alba; Bardaji, Alfredo;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Reviews In Cardiovascular Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor as a long-term prognostic biomarker in acute coronary syndromes
Autors: Peiro, Oscar Manuel; Cediel, German; Bonet, Gil; Rojas, Sergio; Quintern, Veronica; Carrasquer, Anna; Gonzalez-Del-Hoyo, Maribel; Sanz, Esther; Bardaji, Alfredo;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomarkers
País: N/D
Llibres / Books 
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Capítols de Llibre / Book chapters 
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Altres Documents / Other documents 
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Patents Sol.licitades / Patents 
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Congressos / Conferences 
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024