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Master's degrees > University Master's Degree in Innovation in the Social and Educational Intervention

University Master's Degree in Innovation in the Social and Educational Intervention - 7th edition

Places available
Blended / Online
Language of instruction
In Spanish.

Blended Mode: More than 90% of the classes are online.

Face-to-face classes take place a Friday per month, from 10 to 14h and 15 to 19h.

Check out the timetable for academic year 2024-25.

Course date
23/09/2024 - 18/05/2025
Academic coordinator
Dra. Eva Zafra Aparici
URV Faculty
Faculty of Legal Sciences (URV)

(for students from the UE, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Andorra*, or resident in Spain, price for academic year 2024-25).

Rest of students: €2,913.

*Students with degrees from non-EU countries will be charged an academic tax of €218.15 the first time they enrol only.

Student Office
(+34) 977 77 99 44

Graduates from the Master's Degree in Innovation in Social and Educational Intervention are specialists in creating innovative social and educational intervention methodologies based on specific knowledge regarding new intervention models and on reflective and creative practices that enable graduates to accompany individuals, groups and communities in processes of change.

Essentially, the programme:

a) Is innovative, both in terms of its content and its innovative learning methodologies that promote reflection and critical thinking regarding intervention models and practices, as well as creativity and the ability to formulate and construct new proposals.

b) Is a meeting place between the ambits of social and educational intervention, where specialists can be trained to integrate their knowledge and practical experience of both perspectives in the most effective manner possible. Consequently, the programme responds to the social and working needs of current society through collaborative work with professional associations.

c) Provides tools for professional care and self-care, because a significant part of the success of any intervention depends on the manner in which organisations take care of relations that are established between the two parties involved in the intervention process, namely the recipients and the professionals.

d) Impact and social transformation: research is an inherent element in socio-educational action and has great potential for transformation. The programme therefore teaches research methods that can incorporate intervention so that they have a real impact on the population.

You can choose to register onto this master’s degree between online or blended teaching.

  • AQU Innovation in the Social and Educational Intervention
  • FCJ AQU institutional accreditation
  • FCJ Segell Institucional - SIGQ

Collaborating Institutions

  • Colegio Oficial de Trabajo Social de Cataluña
  • Colegio de Educadoras y Educadores Sociales de Cataluña