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Service Learning Experiences in the Bachelor's Degree of Geography, Territorial Analysis and Sustainability

Tools for managing protected areas and the landscape

  • Coordination: Sergi Saladié Gil (sergi.saladie(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Community organization: Amics de la Platja Naturista del Torn Association.
  • Summary: The students carry out a course work consisting of the elaboration of a proposal to update the Special Plan for the protection of the natural environment and the landscape of the Rojala-Platja del Torn (Vandellòs and L'Hospitalet de l'Infant). This special plan was approved in 1996, and was drawn up by the General Directorate of Natural Heritage of the former Department of the Environment of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
    The Friends of the Platja Naturista del Torn Association was formed in March 1989, like other associations, to promote nudism on the Playa del Torn in the face of adverse administrations to nudism, and the owner of the land surrounding a significant part from the beach, which put many obstacles in the way of access. The main task of the association, apart from ensuring the naturist use of the beach, is to contribute to the improvement of the natural environment of the beach itself and its surroundings.
    The Association collaborates with the students by providing them with information about the space, and accompanying them on the field trip.

External work experience

  • Coordination: Aaron Gutiérrez Palomero (aaron.gutierrez(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Community organization: Sant Jordi Neighbors Association.
  • Summary: The following proposal was first presented at the 1st Social Projects Marketplace held in Reus. It is an interdisciplinary project carried out jointly with the Degree in Economics. The student will carry out a social, demographic and economic study of the Sant Jordi neighborhood in Reus. The study will reflect the diversity of the neighborhood by using statistical indicators, field work and a selection of interviews. A database will also be prepared on which a social revitalization and participation plan for the neighborhood.

Final Degree Project - Socio-demographic study of Sant Jordi's neighborhood and social participation plan

  • Coordination: Aaron Gutiérrez Palomero (aaron.gutierrez(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Community organization: Sant Jordi's Neighbors Association.
  • Summary: The final project and the external work experience are part of one project design for one student. The following proposal was first presented at the first edition of the 1st Social Projects Marketplace held in Reus and was carried out the academic year 2014-15. It is an interdisciplinary project carried out jointly with the Degree in Economics. The student was carried out a social, demographic and economic study of the Sant Jordi neighborhood in Reus. The study reflected the diversity of the neighborhood by using statistical indicators, field work and a selection of interviews. A database will also be prepared on which a social revitalization and participation plan for the neighborhood.

Final Degree Project - Evolutionary study of the impact of water on the Priorat economy

  • Coordination: Jordi Blay Boqué (jordi.blay(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Community organization: GEPEC-EdC.
  • Summary: To support the work of analyzing the consequences for the territory of the Priorat of the deduction of 6 million cubic meters / year from the Siurana to transfer them to the Baix Camp. This includes working with water consumption data and defining potential benefits, especially in the area of support irrigation.

Final Degree Project - Is the Gaià River Natural Park possible? Analysis of the current, environmental and social situation of this proposal

  • Coordination: Jordi Blay Boqué (jordi.blay(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Community organization: La Sínia Environmental Association.
  • Summary: To support the studies for the analysis of the possible declaration of the natural park of the Gaià river basin. For this, a work of analysis of the whole of the territory potentially affected is foreseen, but especially of the protected areas, both in the section of natural value and, above all, of the management that is done and the deficiencies detected. Contact with the people, entities and administrations of the territory is also foreseen in order to detect the possibilities of consensus around this subject.

Final Degree Project - Mapping of vegetal covers in Tarragona

  • Coordination: Jordi Blay Boqué (jordi.blay(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Community organization: Aurora Association - Salud Mental, Territorio y Paisaje.
  • Summary: This Final Degree Project is derived from the 8th URV Social Projects Market and was developed during the 2021/2022 academic year. The objective is the elaboration of cartography of vegetal habitats in the Glorieta river basin, with a view to improving knowledge and the regeneration of the riparian forest. The student will work around the following points:
    - Prospecting of the vegetation cover of the Glorieta River.
    - Identification of different habitats and plant species.
    - Location of invasive exotic plant species.
    - Elaboration of cartography using GIS tools. Generate layers that help the entity make decisions when carrying out conservation actions in the Glorieta river basin.