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Service Learning in the Doctorate in Economics and Business

Doctoral thesis - Evaluation of the impact of a social club that provides mental health support

  • Doctoral student: William Alomoto Pérez (williamfabian.alomotop(ELIMINAR)@alumni.urv.cat)
  • Supervision: Laia Pié Dols (laia.pie(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Community organization: Association Ment i Salut - La Muralla.
  • Summary:The association sought to quantify all the work involved in providing their service, and how it benefited the community. The student's research analyzed various tools for measuring social impact. The main objectives are, on the one hand, to verify that the investment in this project is having a positive impact on society and that social value is being generated, and, on the other hand, to validate the tool for measuring the impact using the SROI. The association has to justify its activity every year and these results will help to allocate more financial resources.