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Frequent questions for international students, in the situation of global health alert due to COVID-19

For URV outgoing students:

For URV outgoing staff:

- General Questions

- Covid 19

- Brexit

- General Questions

- Covid 19

- Brexit

For URV incoming students:

For URV incoming staff:

- Current incoming students (a.y. 2019-2020)

- Future incoming students (a.y. 2020-2021)

General questions


For URV outgoing students:

General Questions

  • I've been accepted by my host university to take part in a mobility programme but I'm not sure which steps I have to take from now on.

The current scenario is one of great uncertainty. However, we advise you to follow all required procedures so that you may participate in your mobility programme as planned. This means you must gain admission to your host university, draw up your Learning or Training Agreement, and follow all the compulsory initial procedures indicated in the call for applications.

With regard to the costs you may incur while preparing your mobility, we recommend that you exercise the utmost caution before making any payment for accommodation, visas and flights, etc. since there is no guarantee you will be reimbursed for your expenses if you later decide to withdraw from the mobility programme or are unable to take part.

  • What procedures must I follow to be able to travel?

Please read official, up-to-date information on the arrival of foreign visitors to your chosen destination.

You can also find useful information on the following website: http://www.exteriores.gob.es/Portal/es/ServiciosAlCiudadano/SiViajasAlExtranjero/Paginas/Inicio.aspx

  • I want to go to a university that is not on the list of mobility agreements. What should I do?

If the University does not appear on the list, it is because that university does not have an agreement with the URV. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that you can attend that institution. However, we are open to reaching agreements with other universities as long as their characteristics are institutionally and academically compatible with our own. If this is your situation, please consult the International Centre for more information, see the terms, and learn what can be arranged.

  • Who can help me find a company where I can do my traineeship? 

You are responsible for finding a company to do your traineeship. However, you can discuss the traineeship with your mobility coordinator and find more information about it on the following International Centre websites:



  • When will I receive the grant for my Erasmus+ programme?

Your Erasmus+ grant is paid in two instalments. The first instalment will be made when you arrive at your host university and have completed all the compulsory initial procedures, such as sending your 'Certificate of Arrival'. The second and final instalment will be made when you return to the URV and have completed the compulsory final procedures for the programme. Grants for the Santander Erasmus scholarship, however, are paid in one instalment before the mobility programme begins.

  • What are the financial consequences for me if I return home before the expected end of my exchange programme?

This depends on the type of exchange programme you were taking, how long you spent abroad, and whether you took online classes and other activities provided by your host university after you returned home.

If you are an Erasmus+ student who was studying or taking part in a traineeship and have resumed your academic activities at the URV after returning home (i.e. you have terminated your mobility programme), you will receive payment for the length of time you spent in your host country only if you have completed the minimum stay established by the Erasmus programme, i.e. two months for traineeships and three months for studies.

If you have returned home but are following online classes at your host university, you are considered to be continuing with your mobility programme. However, once again, you will be paid for the actual time you spent in your host country only if you were there for the minimum length of time established, i.e. two months for traineeships and three months for studies.

Remember that you must always send us your certificate of stay to verify your length of study abroad. In case you are asked to provide them, we also advise you to keep safe all your receipts for plane or train tickets as well as any other document that proves you made the trip.

  • I have been accepted onto a mobility programme for next academic year but my host university hasn't contacted me yet. What should I do?

You must inform the International Centre immediately so that we can check the status of your placement at your host university.

  • What will happen if I can't get to my destination in time to begin the semester at my host university?

You must inform your host university and ask them whether you can start the semester online from home until you are able to attend.

  • If I am not able to take part in my mobility programme in the first semester, can I postpone it until the second one?

Yes, provided you have received confirmation from your host university and your URV mobility coordinator that you are able to do so. You must inform the International Centre about this change by completing a Full d'Incidències (application form for period modification), which must be signed by you and both of your mobility coordinators.

You must send us a completed Full de Renúncia (application form for mobility withdrawal) signed by you and your URV mobility coordinator.

  • What happens if I fail a subject at my host university?

You will need to sit the second examination session at your host university or repeat the credits at the URV that your host university was unable to validate for you.

  • How are credits validated?

Once you obtain your Transcript of Records from your host university, your mobility coordinator will, in accordance with the terms of your Learning or Training Agreement, incorporate your grades into your URV academic record.

  • Who should I contact if I have any questions or problems during my stay? 
    • For questions on academic issues (subject changes, validations, etc.), contact your international mobility academic coordinator at the URV.
    • For questions on payment of your grant, contact your host university or consult the OLA (Online Learning Agreement) platform. For questions on procedures, contact the International Centre at: mobility.out(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
    • Most questions on logistical issues (accommodation, course calendars, class schedules at your host university, etc.) can be answered by your host university's International Relations Office or by visiting the website of that Office.
    • For questions on immigration, consult your host university or the website of the Spanish embassy or consulate in your host country.
  • How can I find accommodation in my host country?

Your host university is responsible for informing you about the possibilities for accommodation in your host country. They may offer you a place at a university hall of residence. However, it is your responsibility to contact them to ask any questions, reserve a place, or find accommodation.

  • Do I have to pay tuition fees at my host university?

No. As tuition fees at host universities are exempt from international mobility agreements, you pay your tuition fees at the URV as for any other course. However, some universities may ask you to pay a token fee in order to, for example, open a transcript, use sensitive material, or take a language course.

Also bear in mind that certain specific agreements exist for which academic fees are paid at the host university, such as for summer schools or double degrees.

  • Puc realitzar la meva estada de mobilitat al primer semestre del curs 2020/21? 

Sí, si la institució de destí ho permet i no ens informa del contrari. Us mantenim informats sobre les decisions de les universitats de destí. 

  • En el cas que no sigui possible realitzar la meva estada de mobilitat al primer semestre del curs 2020/21, la puc postposar per al segon semestre? 

Sí, sempre i quan tinguis la confirmació de la universitat de destí i del teu coordinador de mobilitat de la URV. Cal informar d’aquest canvi al Centre Internacional per tal que es pugui avisar a la institució d’acollida amb temps.

  • En el cas que no sigui possible realitzar la meva estada de mobilitat durant el curs 2020/21, la puc postposar per al curs 2021/22 sense haver de participar de nou al procés de selecció de la convocatòria de mobilitat? 

No hi ha una decisión encara sobre aquest assumpte. La voluntat és seguir donant la possibilitat a tots els estudiants de gaudir d’aquesta experiència i s’està buscant la forma de facilitar l’oportunitat especialment als afectats per la situació actual.

  • Què he de fer si vull renunciar a la meva estada de mobilitat per al curs 2020/21? 

Ens has d'enviar el Full de Renúncia a la mobilitat degudament omplert i signat per tu i el teu coordinador de mobilitat de la URV.  

  • Tinc assignada una estada de mobilitat per al primer semestre del curs 2020/21 i la universitat de destí encara no m'ha contactat. Què he de fer? 

Has d'informar al Centre Internacional de manera immediata perquè pugui comprovar quin és l'estat de la teva nominació a la universitat de destí. 

En aquestes dates, les universitats de destí estan gestionant les estades de mobilitat previstes per al primer semestre del curs 2020/21. A partir de setembre contactaran amb els estudiants que tenen prevista una estada de mobilitat per al segon semestre del curs 2020/21. 

For URV outgoing staff:

General questions

  • I have a grant to do a mobility STT/STA KA103. Can I do my mobility next year?

If you have a mobility grant for the course 19/20, you can do your mobility until May 31, 2021.

  • I had not started the foreseen mobility yet. What should I do? 

If you have an Erasmus+ grant and you had not started yet your exchange stay (and now it will not be possible to do it), but you had already done some payments  (travel, accommodation, insurance,  etc.), please keep the proofs or receipts of the expenses, in order to submit them in case that there could be some refund, if the Erasmus+ National Agency ("SEPIE") gave the corresponding instructions to the Universities.  (At this moment there are not instructions about it. In case that in the future there were some about it, from the University we would inform you about the procedure to obtain the grants in causes of "force majeure"). 

The reimbursement of these expenses is not guaranteed, even if the expenses of the cancelled exchanges or of the ones that have been performed until now but without the possibility of ending them could be justified as a force majeure. The expenses could not surpass in any case the amount stated in your financial agreement. 

If you want to withdraw to your outgoing mobility, you have to inform the International Center, and submit your formal withdraw.

For URV incoming students:

Current incoming students (a.y. 2019-2020)

  • Will on-site classes be resumed at the URV after the state of emergency is over? 

On April 3, the Rector issued a statement informing that there will be no on-site teaching activities for the rest of the academic year and encouraging professors and students to maintain online activity. 

  • Will classes for my URV subjects continue online or by remote means? 

URV has offered online solutions for every subject during the state of emergency period. Please contact your professors to obtain information and instructions on what method or methods they will be using for the rest of the semester. 

  • I am an international exchange student at URV and I would like to remain here, to finish my exchange stay. Can I do it with the online classes? 

You can follow the online activities of URV. 

Remember to follow the instructions of the authorities (about health issues, restrictions on movement and travels, etc). 

In case you had not done it before, please contact the Embassy or Consulate of your origin country and inform them about your period of stay and situation; in order that they are aware of your circumstances. 

  • I am an international exchange student at URV and I would like to go back to my country. Can I finish my exchange stay and courses from my country, by means of online classes? 

You can follow the online activities of URV. 

If you follow the online classes and you obtain at the end of the semester the evaluation of these subjects, then the whole semester will be considered in exchange, with the corresponding economic consequences related to the economic grant, linked to your stay. 

Please ask your URV coordinator, about the possibilities of online assessment for your subjects: /international/movilidad/en_coordinadores-movilidad.html 

  • What if I decide to cancel my mobility? 

If you decide to cancel your mobility, please send us an email to mobility.in@urv.cat so we can update our records accordingly. 

  • Do I have a deadline to cancel my mobility? 

Yes, if you want to cancel your mobility program at URV, we will need to know it as soon as possible. 

  • I already cancelled my mobility; will I be able to return as a mobility exchange student in the next semester? 

The selection process for next year students will depend on your home University, you must check with your University's international office regarding this possibility. 

  • I am following my classes online at URV, how is my evaluation going to be? 

Your online evaluation will start in May and end in June. It is very likely that most professors will propose online continuous evaluation methods to assess your progress (submission of papers, projects, case studies, problems, etc.), and/or synchronous or oral exams. Please contact your teachers in order to get information you about the final evaluation procedure. 

The possibility of a face-to-face evaluation is set in July and in the extraordinary call (retake) in September. This will depend on the evolution of the COVID-19 emergency. We will keep you updated through this FAQ page. 

  • I am an international exchange student at URV and I would like to go back to my country, but I am not finding any transportation means to do that, what should I do? 

Please contact the Embassy or Consulate of your country, in order to know the options that you have. 

  • If I finish the semester online, when will I receive my transcript? 

The semester is scheduled to end in September, as the resit exams will then be held. Therefore, it is likely that your transcript is prepared and sent to your home university in September. In the event that you finish your studies in June and you have an urgent need to receive the transcript, you can contact your URV academic coordinator /international/movilidad/en_coordinadores-movilidad.html, who will be able to give you more s specific information on the exact date on which the document may be prepared. 

Future incoming students (a.y. 2020-2021)

  • My University has selected me for the exchange program, starting September 2020. Will the COVID-19 crisis affect the mobilities in the next semester? 

It is early now to properly assess or predict the status of the COVID-19 crisis in Catalonia after the Summer. In principle, we are conducting the admission of students as normally, hoping that the academic activity will begin without delay by September 2020. 

  • My University has selected me for the exchange program, starting September 2020. Will I receive my student visa from the Spanish Consulate on time? 

You should check directly with the Spanish Consulate in your country. The situation is always evolving and the student visa procedures could be on hold at this moment. Different countries might present different restrictions or specifications for the visa procedures. 

  • Will I be able to come to URV for the Fall Semester? 

The level of uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 crisis makes it difficult to predict what will be the situation for the 2020 Fall Semester and whether on-site teaching will be resumed. 

While we have released acceptances for the Fall, we are aware that travel restrictions are currently in place in many parts of the world. Hence, for the time being, we are advising students not to make any further financial commitments, including deposits for accommodation (housing), flights, or visas, until further notice. 

  • How do I complete the URV online application if I do not have any health insurance yet?  In the case you have to purchase an insurance, we recommend that you upload a document stating that you commit to submit a health insurance once you receive the official admission and the URV confirms that is going to receive incoming students in the first semester/annual periods. 

Will there be a limited capacity of attendees in the URV classrooms next year? 

Our premise is the safety of our students. For this reason, the number of face-to-face assistants in each classroom will probably be limited, always establishing equality criteria for all the students. As soon as we know more details about these security measures we will inform you through this section of FAQs. 

  • Is it possible that the classes for the next course will be online? 

As we mentioned in the previous question, some classes may have a limited capacity. For this reason, there is the possibility that classes will be partially taught online, in order to guarantee the safety of all our students. However, we still do not have details on how the classes of the next course will be developed. As soon as we get more details about these security measures we will inform you through this section of FAQs. 

  • What will be the academic calendar for the next course? 

Before the COVID-19 crisis, classes were scheduled to start for the first semester in September 2020. However, since some exams have had to be delayed to September, it is likely that the beginning of the academic course will be delayed. Hence, for the time being, we are advising students not to make any further financial commitments, including deposits for accommodation (housing), flights, or visas, until further notice. As soon as we get more details about the academic calendar for next academic year we will inform you through this section of FAQs.

For URV incoming staff:

General questions

  • I am interested to do a STT/STA at URV, when is it safe to travel to Spain/Catalonia so I can do my mobility?

The level of uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 crisis makes it difficult to predict what will be the situation for the next months and when our government will raise the state of alarm.


Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQs) sobre las medidas del estado de alarma por la crisis sanitaria de COVID-19 --> https://administracion.gob.es/pag_Home/atencionCiudadana/Estado-de-alarma-crisis-sanitaria/preguntas-frecuentes.html 

Erasmus+ Covid-19 - Mobility Status: https://covid.uni-foundation.eu/