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Master's degrees > Master's Degree in Electric Vehicle Technologies

Master's Degree in Electric Vehicle Technologies - 7th edition

Places available
Language of instruction
English and some teaching audiovisual supports are also subtitled in Spanish and Catalan.

Online period: first semester.

Blended period: second semester. Face-to-face classes will be taught on Thursdays, from 16.00h to 20.00h.

Check the timetable for the academic course 2024-25.

Course date

From end of September to end of May

Academic coordinator
Dr. Enric Vidal Idiarte
URV Faculty
School of Engineering (URV)

(for students from the UE, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Andorra*, or resident in Spain, price for academic year 2024-25).

Rest of students: €2,913.

*Students with degrees from non-EU countries will be charged an academic tax of €218.15 the first time they enrol only.

Student Office
(+34) 977 77 99 44

The development of new systems of intelligent, environmentally friendly and integrated transport systems is one of the most important challenges in the 21st century, above all in terms of emissions and the type of energy used. The social interest and industrial business generated by electric vehicles increase the demand for professionals qualified in all the related areas of technology.

The University Master's Degree in Electric Vehicle Technologies is the first official master's degree in the whole of Spain specialising in electric cars. The aim of this master's degree is to teach engineers about the different technologies from the areas of electronic engineering and control that can be applied to the development of electric and hybrid vehicles and even conventional vehicles.

The progressive implementation of electric vehicles will increase the need for engineers with specific knowledge in this ambit; therefore, the principal objective of the master's degree is to produce specialised engineers in collaboration with businesses in this sector and with links to the territory.

  • AQU Vehicle Elèctric_ang
  • IQAS certification ETSE
  • IQAS certification ETSE

Collaborating Institutions

  • Lear Corporation
  • Applus+ Idiada