Service Learning Experiences in the Bachelor’s Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
- Fourth-year courses
- Community Practicum
- Optional Practicum
- Final Degree Project - Health promotion at schools
- Final Degree Project - Project on eating habits
- Final Degree Project - Guidelines on healthy habits for people with intellectual disability
- External Internship - SpoNTaNI (SuPOrt Nutricional en Trastorns del Neurodesenvolupament Infantil) (Nutritional Support for Child Neurodevelopmental Disorders)
- Bachelor's thesis - Design of the SpoNTaNI programme (SuPOrt Nutricional en Trastorns del Neurodesenvolupament Infantil) (Nutritional Support for Child Neurodevelopmental Disorders)
Community Practicum
- Coordination: Marta Romeu Ferran (marta.romeu(ELIMINAR)
- Communitary organizations: Primary and secondary schools in Reus and Tarragona.
- Summary: Since 2013, students in the 4th year of the URV's Bachelor's Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics have carried out service-learning activities with more than 28,000 schoolchildren as part of the Community Internships subject, in collaboration with Reus City Council and different schools in Reus and Tarragona. The students receive training in activities on how to pass on health advice and reflect on the importance of educating the public regarding issues that are important for their quality of life. The activities are aimed at the prevention, before the children reach adulthood, of various health problems that are commonly found in the adult population. Evaluation of the impact of the activities has shown that schoolchildren's knowledge regarding healthy nutritional habits improved by 19% after their participation in the activities. More information can be found by listening to Tarragona Ràdio
- Photo:
- Video:
Community Practicum
Coordination: Victoria Arija (victoria.arija(ELIMINAR)
Communitary organizations: Schools and civic centers in the city of Reus.
- Summary: This programme involves the design, preparation and implementation of activities to promote health at home and at school in the town of Reus. The students reflect on the need to educate the public in health matters and improve the quality of life of the general public. The programme's activities are put into practice in the classroom and then presented at various locations in Reus.
Optional Practicum
- Coordination: Rosa Solà (rosa.sola(ELIMINAR)
- Communitary organizations:
Summary: Students in the 4th year of the URV's Bachelor's Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics and Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy carried out various service-learning activities with more than 4000 schoolchildren in the schools of Reus during the 2015-2016 academic year. By doing these activities, URV students learn how to pass on health advice and reflect on the importance of educating the public on issues that will improve their quality of life in general. All the topics covered are aimed at the prevention, before the children reach adulthood, of various health problems that are highly prevalent among the adult population, such as obesity and back pain. Specific objectives of the activities include learning about healthy alternatives, the importance of a healthy diet, which foods can make up a healthy breakfast, and the correct postures for different daily activities. These activities have been taking place since the 2012-2013 academic year in collaboration with Reus City Council and various schools and civic centres in the city.
More information can be found by listening to Tarragona Ràdio
- Photographs:
Final Degree Project - Health promotion
- Coordination: Victoria Arija (victoria.arija(ELIMINAR)
- Communitary organizations: Schools and civic centres in Reus
- Summary: After completing the 'Community Practices' subject in 2015-2016 the student could choose to do their Bachelor's Thesis in the area of Health Promotion-Service Learning.
- Coordination: Rosa Solà (rosa.sola(ELIMINAR)
- Communitary organizations: Schools and civic centres in Reus
- Summary: After completing the 'Community Practices' subject in 2015-16 the student could choose to do their Bachelor's Thesis in the area of Health Promotion-Service Learning.
Bachelor's Thesis - Assignment on eating habits
- Coordination: Núria Aranda Pons (nuria.aranda(ELIMINAR)
- Communitary organization: Associació Down de Tarragona (Tarragona Down Syndrome Association)
- Summary: This project stems from the 2nd URV Social Projects Marketplace, held at the URV's Sescelades Campus in Tarragona. The project was carried out by a group of four students as part of their Bachelor's Thesis during the 2015-2016 academic year. The students had the opportunity to collaborate with the association with the aim of detecting and preventing eating problems and their consequences such as obesity. Nutritional education interventions were carried out for the association's users and visual and tactile material was produced to work on good eating habits. During the course of the project, a high prevalence of overweight and obesity was detected in the group, as well as poor diet quality and sedentary behaviour. The nutritional education programme adapted to the group improved their knowledge about healthy eating, as measured by the evaluation of the different sessions. In addition, the material produced and used in each session was sent to the collaborating centre, so that it could be used whenever the educators, who were also present at the activities, think it appropriate.
Bachelor's thesis - Creation of a practical guide of healthy habits for people with intellectual disabilities.
- Coordination: Núria Guillen Rey (nuria.guillen(ELIMINAR)
- Communitary organization: Fundació la Tutela (La Tutela Foundation)
- Summary: This is an interdisciplinary project between the Bachelor's Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics and the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing, developed within the framework of the Bachelor's Thesis subject for the 2018-2019 academic year. The aim was to develop a practical guide to healthy habits for people with intellectual disabilities who are in public care and who live independently or who are likely to do so in the future. The students carried out fieldwork involving open interviews and observations with two users of the Fundació with the aim of finding out what they understood by healthy diet and healthy habits. They drew up a practical and comprehensive guide to healthy habits, aimed at this specific group, under the supervision of the Fundació's managers. Finally, they designed and gave a workshop so that users of the Fundació who are likely to start living independently could put into practice the contents of the materials.
External Internship - SpoNTaNI (SuPOrt Nutricional en Trastorns del Neurodesenvolupament Infantil) (Nutritional Support for Child Neurodevelopmental Disorders)
- Coordination: Veronica Luque (veronica.luque(ELIMINAR)
- Communitary organization: Sant Rafael Special School, Alba Special School.
- Summary: Students (nutritionists and future nutritionists) visit special schools to take the anthropometric and body composition measurements of their students. The results of the assessment are communicated to the families and the students' health centres. The students also design small training capsules or activities (such as visual documentation, videos and workshops) on the basis of proposals put forward by themselves, the special schools, the health centres and/or the families. The main objective of the service is to bring nutrition services closer to children with severe neuromotor disorders in order to improve their state of health, their quality of life and that of their families.
Bachelor's thesis - Design of the SpoNTaNI programme (SuPOrt Nutricional en Trastorns del Neurodesenvolupament Infantil) (Nutritional Support for Child Neurodevelopmental Disorders)
- Coordination: Veronica Luque (veronica.luque(ELIMINAR)
- Communitary organization: Sant Rafael Special School, Alba Special School.
- Summary: The aim of the students' Bachelor's Thesis is to design the SLP programme.
To do this, they:
1. Conduct a literature review to determine the need for the project
2. Carry out a needs assessment at:
- health centres
- special schools
- joint catering services
3. Design a plan of activities as part of the Service-Learning Programme
4. Design a Travel Diary as a tool for communication between family members, the special schools and health centres
The result of the assessment is communicated to the families and their health centres.
The programme will consist of:
- An annual nutritional assessments for the special school students with complex disabilities
- Design and implementation of small training capsules or activities (such as visual documentation, videos or workshops) proposed by the students, the special schools, the health centre and/or the families.
The main objective of the service is to bring catering services closer to children with severe neuromotor disorders in order to improve their health, quality of life and those of their families.