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Master's degrees > University Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

University Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation - 11th edition

Places available
Language of instruction

Mondays to Fridays, from 17 to 21 h.

Check the timetable for the academic course 2024-25.

Course date
30/09/2024 - 20/05/2025
Academic coordinator
Dra. Mercedes Teruel
URV Faculty
Faculty of Business and Economics (URV)

(for students from the UE, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Andorra*, or resident in Spain, price for academic year 2024-25).

Rest of students: €2,913.

*Students with degrees from non-EU countries will be charged an academic tax of €218.15 the first time they enrol only.

Check the available grants and awards.

Student Office
(+34) 977 77 99 44

  • Santander Universidades

This master's degree is intended for students from any academic specialisation who wish to acquire a thorough knowledge of the essential techniques used in economics, accounting, finance, organisation and market research for the creating an innovative company.

The programme is highly cross-disciplinary and has a dual objective: from a professional perspective, it encourages students to learn the techniques of project management and strategic planning in innovative contexts; from a personal perspective, it encourages teamwork and ethical leadership in future entrepreneurs who are committed to change and innovation.

In the current economic and social situation, fostering innovative entrepreneurship is a key strategy for moving towards a more sustainable economic model focused on human capital. This is why there is no better time for a master’s degree like this, focusing on the strategic function of innovative entrepreneurs.

You can simultaneously study the Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation and the Master's Degree in Business Management via a specific plan, and you can have credits recognized between both qualifications.

  • AQU Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2020
  • AQU Emprenedoria i Innovació 2019_certificat SGIC 2019
  • FEE institucional Emprenedoria i Innovació

You can simultaneously study the official Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation and the official Master's Degree in Business Management.

Collaborating Institutions

  • Càtedra de Foment de l'Emprenedoria de la URV 
  • Chair for the Promotion of Business Innovation (URV)
  • Diputació de Tarragona