Recognition of higher education courses carried out in other countries (master's degrees)
DESCRIPTION: Official recognition, for academic purposes, of higher education courses that the student has completed or partially completed in another country and their equivalence to Spanish higher education courses.
Implementation course: 2024-25
Application procedure
The interested party or the authorized person on presentation of the necessary identification.
Via the online administrative procedures on the URV's intranet or the URV online registry.
Please check the general considerations for submitting applications and documentation.
Period: 2 May to 30 October
(*) Consult, in the resolution section of the application, the course in which the recognition will have academic effects.
By presenting the following documentation:
Application form addressed to the head of the Secretary's Office who, if necessary, will pass it onto the Office of the Dean or the Management of the Faculty/School.
- Identity document:
- a) Spanish students: DNI not required since the URV will check with the corresponding administration through interoperability.
- b) Foreign students from a member state of the European Union: original and photocopy or attested photocopy of the national identity document of their country, passport or NIE (foreigner's residence card in Spain).
- c) Foreign students from outside the European Union: original and photocopy or attested photocopy of the passport or NIE.
Original and photocopy or attested photocopy of the academic transcript for the studies carried out by the applicant, issued by the foreign university. The transcript must show, among other information, the subjects studied, the workload in hours for each subject and an explanation of the grading system used. The applicant may also be required to provide legalised and translated versions of the transcript.
- The interested party is required to provide the link to the course guide of the home University and identify the academic year of each subject. The URV is entitled to request the translation if necessary.* Alternatively, they can submit the original and photocopy of the programmes of the subjects that have been passed stamped and translated.
- Photocopy of the curriculum of the qualification or link to its official publication. The URV is entitled to request the translation if necessary.*
Documents issued abroad must comply with the following requirements:
Legalization requirements:
They must be official and issued by the competent authorities, in accordance with the legal regulations of the country concerned.
They must be legalised by diplomatic means or, if possible, with the apostille of The Hague Convention. No form of legalisation is required for documents issued by member states of the European Union or the European Economic Area (click here for list of states).
Translation requirements:
Students must pay the recognition fee that is charged by the secretary's office of the center/campus in accordance with the current decree on public prices.
The original and photocopy of the document accrediting the right to an exemption (large family, etc.) must be provided.
As far as possible, the applicant should present the application before registering.
Only those qualifications obtained by the expiry of the corresponding period will be taken into account when grading the academic transcript for academic purposes at the URV.

Resolution of the application
The Office of the Dean or Management of the Faculty/School.
At most, five days after presenting the application and the necessary documentation.
* August is not considered to be a working month.
The applicant will be informed as to which subjects, if any, have been recognised. Any such subjects will be added to the applicant's academic transcript at the URV.
- Applications presented between 2 May and 20 June 2024 will be accepted for the 2023-24 academic year (this is not the case if the subjects to be recognised are registered during the 2023-24 academic year).
Applications presented between 21 June and 30 October 2024 will be accepted and charged for the 2024-25 academic year.
Students must pay the fee for the recognised subjects established by the current decree of public prices.
If the student cannot present the application when registering, the student will register in the standard manner and, once the application has been received and resolved, will make any modifications to his/her registration status.
It is recommended that the student, when registering, chooses to pay the registration fees in instalments because the resolution of the application may mean that the student receives a refund of registration fees or is required to pay additional fees.
If there are any differences between translations, the Catalan version prevails.