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MARTÍ FRANQUÈS RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME for the contracting of Trainee Predoctoral Research Staff 2023 (PIPF). Standard. 1rst Edition

The maximum resolution date for each position and the selected candidate will be september 15, 2023. The result of the selection will be published on the website. Rovira i Virgili University closed from August 7 to 25, inclusive. At the time of recruitment, the selected candidate must present the Doctorate Program registration to the Human Resources Service of the URV.

Selected candidates can access the online application (https://www.sgr.urv.cat/cgi-bin/programes/application/inici.cgi?conv=2023PMF-PIPF-&idioma=ENG) to submit the document accceptance and the necessary documentation for the formalization of the contract or the renounce of the scholarship . The URV is closed from August 7 to 25, inclusive. The documentation and your inquiries will be reviewed by the Human Resources service from August 28, 2023.

  • Procedure for accepting and waiving aid and providing documentation for the contract

With the support of:



The contract corresponding to the position 2023PMF-PIPF-40 is part of the project TED2021-130307B-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union "NextGenerationEU"/PRTR.

For positions 2023PMF-PIPF-41 and 2023PMF-PIPF-42, hiring the selected person is conditioned by obtaining funding from the ERC project. Submitting to this call and being selected for the indicated positions (2023PMF-PIPF-41 and 2023PMF-PIPF-42) does not generate more than an expectation of right, which will only be valid if the aforementioned financing is obtained. "Funded by the European Union (ERC, TypoMetaLing, 101041475)."

Positions 2023PMF-PIPF-47, 2023PMF-PIPF-48 and 2023PMF-PIPF-49 with URV-IRTA funding.