Meet our PhD supervisors
Ardévol, Anna
Arenas, Àlex
Arija, Victòria
Aslanidis, Nektarios
Beltrán, Raúl
Blay, Maria Teresa
Bodoque, Yolanda
Boer, Dieter
Bonet, Josep
Bourouis, Mahmoud
Bruno, Joan Carles
Canals, Josefa
Carvajal, Joan
Cito, Salvatore
Comas d'Argemir, Dolors
Contreras, Sandra
Coronas, Alberto
Cuesta, Ildefonso
Díaz, Francesc
Diéguez, Montserrat
Domingo-Ferrer, Josep
Duncan, Neil
Fabregat, Albert
Fabregat, Alexandre
Fadil, Dalal
Fernández, Alberto
García, Ercilia
Garcia, Ricard
Gómez, Sergio
Giral, Roberto
Guimerà, Roger
Gutiérrez, Aaron
Hernández, Ana B.
Huera, Francisco
Jiménez, Laureano
Jiménez, Mª Dolores
Katakis, Ioanis
Leivada, Evelina
Llobet, Eduard
Llop, Maria
Lovcha, Yuliya
Mackie, Allan
Marcé, Jordi
Marsal, Lluís
Mateo, Josep Maria
Mateos, Xavier
Medina, Francesc
Murphy, Michelle
Olalla, Carlos
Oltra-Massuet, Isabel
Ortega, Francisco Javier
O'Sullivan, Ciara
Pàmies, Òscar
Pastor, Inmaculada
Pinent, Montserrat
Prieto, Beatriz
Puga, Alberto
Puig, Domènec
Ramírez, José Luis
Redondo, Gisela
Reguero, Mar
Rodríguez, Esther
Romero, Alfonso
Rosell, Joan
Salueña, Clara
Sánchez, David
Schuhmacher, Marta
Serratosa, Francesc
Solé, Jordi
Stiriba, Youssef
Torres, Cristina
Torrallardona, David
Vallès, Manel
Valverde, Mireia
Varela, Sylvana
Yanes, Óscar
Zamora, Fernando
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 713679 and No. 945413. This website reflects only the author's view and the Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. |