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Service Learning Experiences in the Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism

Bachelor's thesis - Design of the Reus Flying Club Museum

  • Coordination: Misericòrdia Domingo (coia.domingo(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Reial Aeroclub de Reus - Costa Dorada (Royal Flying Club of Reus - Costa Dorada).
  • Summary: This proposal comes from the 1st Social Projects Marketplace, held at the Faculty of Business and Economics on 24 April 2014.

    The Royal Flying Club of Reus was founded in 1935 by a group of aviation lovers from Reus who had been hiring sports aviators, such as the pilot Henry Tixier, since 1913 to do aeronautical demonstrations above the city during the Reus Festival. The Club had plenty of information, but it could not be presented to the general public because it had never been organised and synthesised. With this background, the goal of this bachelor's thesis from the 2014-2015 academic year was to develop the Historical Museum of the Royal Flying Club of Reus.

    The museum explores different periods: the foundation of the Flying Club of Reus (1913-1936), the causes and effects of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1947), the return of the pilot school of the Flying Club of Reus (1948 to the present day) and the club's bright future as a campus for the URV's Bachelor's Degree for Commercial Airline Pilots.

Bachelor's thesis - Analysis and recovery of historical and natural areas in Tamarit

  • Coordinator: Misericòrdia Domingo (coia.domingo(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisations: Associació de Veïns La Móra-Tamarit i Associació mediambiental La Sínia (La Mora-Tamarit Residents' Association and La Sínia Environmental Association).
  • Summary: This project comes from the 2nd Social Projects Marketplace, held in Tarragona on 28 April 2015, and took the form of a bachelor's thesis during the 2015-2016 academic year. Combining aspects of biodiversity, history, urban management and sustainability, the thesis discussed and designed a tourist product that helps recover and preserve the Mora-Tamarit area, an urban space in danger of degradation. The thesis also provided the documentary and field information needed to integrate this area into its environment from a sustainable tourism perspective. This involved taking advantage of the synergies that surround the area (adjacency to protected natural spaces, biodiversity, abandoned historical remains) and making them prevail over sun and beach tourism, which ignores its impact on the region.