Recognition of credits from non-official university courses (master's courses)
Implementation course: 2024-25
Application procedure
The interested party or the authorized person on presentation of the necessary identification.
Via the online administrative procedures on the URV's intranet or the URV online registry.
Please check the general considerations for submitting applications and documentation.
Period: 2 May to 30th November.
(*) Please go to the application resolution section and check the academic year when the recognition will come into effect.
Submitting the following documents:
Application form addressed to the head of the Secretary's Office who, if necessary, will submit it to the Office of the Dean or the Management of de Faculty/School.
Original academic transcript issued by the secretary's office of the faculty/school (if the student studied at the FURV or in other universities) or the original and photocopy or the attested photocopy of the personal academic transcript (if the student studied at the FURV or in other universities).
Programmes of the subjects passed (if they have been studied at other universities). The applicant must provide the web link to the home university's course programme which states the academic year that corresponds to each subject. Alternatively, they may provide a stamped original and photocopy of the subjects passed which state the competencies acquired during the subject.
A photocopy of the curriculum studied, or link to the web where it is published (only for studies completed at the FURV or at other universities).
For university-specific qualifications awarded by Spanish universities, a photocopy of the document demonstrating the approval of the corresponding governing body or link to the web where it is published.
Original and photocopy of the document that accredits the type of exemption, if appropriate (large family certificate, etc.).
Students must pay the recognition fee that is charged by the secretary's office of the faculty/school in accordance with the current decree on public prices.
(See also other costs in the Resolution section)
For the purposes of recognition of credits, the URV will regard the following qualifications as university-specific:
-University-specific higher certificates issued by the URV.
-Lifelong learning diploma
-University-specific qualifications issued by Spanish universities.
The recognition of previous studies will be based on the final grades listed on the student's academic transcript on the date that the deadline for this recognition expires.
Subjects passed by the student will be recognized by comparing their content and competencies with the equivalent master's degree subjects.
Under no circumstances will credits corresponding to final master's projects be recognized.
The number of credits from university-specific qualifications may not exceed 15% of the total credits of the curriculum. This percentage also includes, if appropriate, recognized professional and employment credits.
The maximum number of credits from university-specific qualifications that can be recognized for master's courses is
- Master's degree of 120 credits: 18 credits
- Master's degree of 90 credits: 13.5
- Master's degree of 60 credits: 9 credits
- In exceptional cases, the percentage of university-specific credits that is recognized may be higher than the percentage indicated above or, if appropriate, all the credits from a university-specific qualification may be recognized if they are from a university-specific course that has been discontinued and substituted by the official degree, in which the academic credits are recognized.
The relation between the discontinued university-specific course and the new official course must have been accredited by the corresponding evaluating body and be stated in the curriculum for which the recognition is requested.

Resolution of the application
The Office of the Dean or Management of the Faculty/School
At most, one month after presenting the application and the necessary documentation.
* August is not considered to be a working month.
The interested party will be informed of the decision.
If necessary, the students' academic transcript will be updated automatically.
Applications presented between 2 May and 20 June will be accepted for the 2023-24 academic year (this is not the case if the subjects to be recognised are registered during the 2023-24 academic year).
Applications present between 21 June and 30 November 2024 will be accepted and charged for the 2024-25 academic year.
If there are any differences between translations, the Catalan version prevails.