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Quality strategy

Quality policy

The Universitat Rovira i Virgili has a strong commitment to quality and continual improvement as part of its identity and strategy in all of its activities: teaching, research, knowledge transfer, social engagement and resource management. Consequently, in order to promote a culture of quality, the URV has drawn up the present policy, which is aligned with the mission, vision and values of the University as set down in its Statute.

As a quality public university, the URV acts as a veritable motor for evolution and progress in society by:

  • Promoting and facilitating people's teaching and learning throughout their lives, strengthening their abilities and creating good professionals in all areas of knowledge.
  • Generating and transferring knowledge and innovation through important scientific research.Promoting t
  • he knowledge society.
  • Being a driver of social cohesion and economic, cultural and intellectual activity.
  • Promoting its international and inclusive projection among all members of the university community.
  • Using resources responsibly and transparently. 

The University wants to act responsibility by providing transparent information on its activities so that it can account for its activities to the university community and to wider society and thus gain their trust. It also seeks to ensure that it reviews its working processes as a mechanism for continual improvement and to take into account the opinions and satisfaction levels among the individuals, groups and organisations with which it works. 

In order to keep moving forward, the URV: 

  • Plans and programmes an offers of quality courses that meet the needs and challenges of society now and in the future and that take into account the changing trends in the various branches of knowledge.
  • Carries out responsible research that is internationally visible and recognised and transfers this knowledge to society and the economy.
  • Creates value in order to configure a democratic, equal, fair, plural and sustainable society that combines progress with respect for individuals and the environment.
  • Cooperates on an international level in all areas of its activities, thus generating intercultural competences and global awareness.
  • Managing resources in a manner that is based on efficiency, sustainability, equality and the participation of the university community.

To meet these commitments, the URV has established the following quality objectives:

  • Providing academic courses that are high quality, adaptable and innovative, that cover all areas of higher education and lifelong learning.
  • Obtaining national and international accreditation for the URV's courses, teaching and centres.
  • Maximizing satisfaction levels among the university community, employers and external collaborators with the University.
  • Implementing mechanisms to promote employment rates among students and strengthening links with different agents in the territory.
  • Obtaining national and international recognition of the URV's teaching and research quality.
  • Promoting innovation in teaching and research through transversal and interdisciplinary relations.
  • Incorporating the knowledge generated by research in training programmes to provide quality teaching and to make it more attractive and relevant.
  • Attracting and retaining talent by generating the optimum conditions in all areas that the University works in.
  • Carrying out projects and actions to transfer the knowledge generated, to facilitate business innovation and societal progress.
  • Establishing ethical principles and good practices in the university's activities.
  • Providing tools to all groups that make up the University to ensure the internationalisation of the institution.
  • Including a gender perspective in all areas of teaching, research and university administration.
  • Empowering University staff to realize their full potential by encouraging their participation, professional promotion and training.
  • Resolving conflicts through dialogue and active listening.
  • Contributing to the 2030 Sustainable Development Objectives.
  • Optimizing and modernizing management processes.
  • Effectively and efficiently managing human, material and economic resources to achieve objectives with the lowest possible cost. 

Approved by the Senate on 14 July 2020