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Documentació a presentar – permisos de residència per a candidats estrangers - Maria Zambrano

Documentació a presentar - permisos de residència per a candidats estrangers

  • Candidates who are citizens of a State member of the European Union, of any State part of the Agreement on the European Economic Area or Switzerland have to apply for their registration in the Central Registry of Foreigners: to obtain a NIE number.
  • For those candidates from non-EU countries it will be necessary to obtain an authorization to live and work in Spain: R&D&I and training residence permit. The University must apply for this residence permit. Therefore we need the following documents from you:

1. Copy of your passport currently in hand (all sheets, blank ones indeed)

2. Police record from the countries you have been living during the last 5 years (not holidays or short stay) dully legalized and translated into Spanish by a sworn translator of Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación ( Not necessary if you already have a residence authorization to live in Spain.

3. Name and surnames of your father and your mother

4. A memory of your research project including this information: 'objeto y justificación de la investigación, equipo de investigación, presupuesto, plan de trabajo y tareas a desarrollar por el técnico o científico'. The memory must be written in Spanish and signed by the researcher in charge and yourself.

These documents have to be sent by e-mail to recualificacion(ELIMINAR) following these instructions:

  • To mention the reference of the grant on the subject of the e-mail
  • all documents together in one e-mail
  • Documents in 'pdf' format (no links or zips)
  • A separate 'pdf' per document
  • Clearly legible and visible
  • The total amount of the documents can't exceed 20MB

Once the University obtains the resolution letter with your residence permit, it will be sent to you so you could apply for the corresponding Visa at the Spanish Embassy if necessary.