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Donation by Pau Xuriguera

The URV's Xuriguera Collection was donated to the Faculty of Arts by Xuriguera's son Pau in 2006. It is currently to be found in the library in the Catalunya Campus CRAI, and it consists of 342 books and journals from the period he spent as a teacher in France.

After living in Balaguer for four years, his family settled in Lleida in 1913. When he was 20 years old, he founded the Agrupació Cultural Lleidatana (the Lleida Cultural Group) in the same year as he took charge of the magazine Lleida. He was a member of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (Republican Left of Catalonia) and the Bloc Obrer i Camperol (Workers' and Peasants' Bloc). He was a member of the Lleida City Council where he happened to be mayor in 1936. In 1938 he crossed the border into France and ended up settling in Montauban where he taught to earn his living. He returned to Catalonia in 1948 where he resumed teaching and started to do freelance translations. At the same time, he published his own work in his own publishing house, Edicions Ilerda. In 1977, when democracy had been reinstated, he started work for the Barcelona City History Museum, where he remained until he retired in 1987.

Between 1926 and 1939 he published in a variety of periodicals: Lleida (1921-1930), L'Ideal, Vida Lleidatana, El país, La jornada, Front (where he was editorial secretary), L'Hora and Combat. After the war, he wrote for the exile journals Per Catalunya (Nice 1945), Quaderns de l'exili and Xaloc. He also translated classical authors into Spanish or Catalan.

Source: Wikipedia. Summarised and consulted on 22 March 2010

Donation by Mr Pau Xuriguera