Infos aux auteurs:

Le Programme
Les sponsors

Communication Oral

Les personnes qui présentent les communications orales disposent de 15 minutes de présentation et 5 minutes pour la discussion.

Il sera mis à disposition des conférenciers un ordinateur portable et un vidéo -projecteur. Si vous avez besoin d'un rétroprojecteur pour transparents ou autres, envoyer une demande par e-mail.

Les communications orales pourront se faire en français, espagnols ou anglais à condition que les transparents ou diapositives soient en anglais.
Les communications invitées seront publiées comme proceedings dans un numéro monographique du journal Solid State Sciences d'Elsevier.
Une sélection de communications orales sera publiée comme proceedings de 4 pages dans le journal on-line Elsevier Procedia.
Aims & Scope of the journal

Solid State Sciences is open to all the aspects related to the solid state: chemistry, structure combined with properties, physics, technology, modelling and simulation. The chemical aspects concerns novel ways of synthesis, new inorganic ceramics, layered, porous and glassy solids, hybrid organic-inorganic compounds synthesised either in the bulk or as thin films or nanoparticles and the associated chemical properties (catalytic, sensors, ion exchangers, gas separation...). The physical aspects relate to the structures and surface properties. A particular emphasis is put on electrical (super, metallic or semiconductors, ionic and mixed conductors, dielectrics), on magnetic and magnetooptical features associated with the structures, and on information storage. Optical behaviour as a consequence of atomic structure, symmetry and defects is more welcome than ever. A large opening to mechanical properties associated with textural defects and interface behaviour is also encouraged, particularly in special issues devoted to advanced structural materials.


El poster devra tenir taille A0, orientation vertical.
Il sera organisé deux sessions de discussion autour des posters (le mercredi 17/03/2010 et jeudi 18/032010).
Ill est demandé aux participants de présenter autant que possible des posters rédigés en anglais.
Le calendrier des sessiones de posters sera disponible plus tard.

Une sélection de communications par affiche sera publiée comme proceedings de 4 pages dans le journal on-line Elsevier Procedia.

Procedia are e-only products focussed entirely on publishing high quality conference proceedings. Procedia enable fast dissemination so conference delegates can publish their papers in dedicated online issues on ScienceDirect, which are then made freely available worldwide.
Conference proceedings are accepted for publication in Procedia based on suitability and are required to meet certain criteria, including relevance to an international audience and covering highly cited or timely topics.
Procedia offer a single, highly recognized platform where conference papers can be hosted and accessed by millions of researchers, enabling authors to keep abreast of the latest developments in their field. All proceedings will appear online, on Science Direct, within 6 weeks of acceptance of the final manuscripts via the conference organizer and will then be freely available to all users. Procedia offer authors and conference organizers a fast and cost effective way to provide maximum exposure for their papers.

Templates (both Latex and Word) are provided to assist in the publication and the final online papers contain linked references, XML versions and DOI numbers. All papers published in Physics Procedia are also be covered by Scopus