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2nd Phase - Beatriz Galindo Grants - Ref. BEAGAL18_00198

Code of the competition PI19022

Modality of the grant

'Beatriz Galindo' Junior grant

Principal Researcher

Dr. Àlex Arenas


Departament of Computer Engineering and Mathematics - ETSE

Job description

Knowledge Area: Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

Category: 'Investigador distinguido' (article 23 of the Law 14/2011, 1st June, on Science, Technology and Innovation)

Research Project: Mathematical Framework and Computational Tools for the Prediction of Sudden Activity Changes in Spreading Dynamics on Complex Networks.

Description of the tasks to be executed:

  • Research

The main goal of the proposed research is that of predicting sudden transitions between different dynamical behaviors in spreading processes running on networks.

A key challenge in addressing this problem is that in dynamical, networked systems there is often little or no knowledge about the actual topology (let alone the strength) of the connections between the system components; and the precise dynamics of the components. Rather, the state of the system is usually accessible only through records of the temporal activity of its components. Given these temporal records, the standard strategy is to build "functional networks" using some measure of similarity/correlation between the activities of the components, and to study the system through the structural analysis of the resulting functional network. However, there are often many ways of constructing meaningful functional networks. In neuroscience, for example, one can measure brain activity in a number of ways (e.g. fMRI, EEG, MEG) each providing a different perspective of the brain (encoded in a different functional network). In social sciences, one can get measure, from online microblogging sites like Twitter, different activity signals related to event hashtags, retweeting, or following activations.  To address this issue, we propose to develop a mathematical framework for the prediction of sudden transitions based on the analysis of the multilayer functional network. Examples of applicability of our project in substantive domains are:

(i) biological systems, investigating the relationship between structural and functional networks in neuroscience in order to understand abrupt medical situations like epileptic seizures as well as the learning of motor, visual, and auditory skills; 

(ii) social systems, to anticipate mass riots using data from microblogging platforms; and

(iii) technological systems, computing the likelihood of success of online applications, or the likelihood of virality of a meme, from the topology of different substrate networks.

  • Teaching

The candidate must teach a course on - Complex networks and data analysis - 5 Credits ECTS

This course is addressed to Master students. It is proposed to reinforce and expand the current proposals of data analysis including the science of networks as a fundamental aspect in its development. The teaching project must focus on a course in complex networks and data analysis that is versatile, innovative and incorporates the latest advances in this recent scientific field.

Characteristics of the contract

Research staff ('Investigador Distinguido')

Specific works or service contract linked to the execution of a specific technical or research project.

Duration of the contract: 4 years

Full/Part Time: Full Time of 37,5h per week

Gross salary: 34.290,80 euros per year

Candidate requirements

General requirements

  1. Be 18 years old or over and will not have reached retirement age.
  2. Not have been dismissed from the service of any of the public administrations through disciplinary action, or be unable to carry out public service.
  3. Not be disqualified from entering the public service through incompatibility, as defined by Law 53/1984, 26 December, regarding staff incompatibilities in the public administrations.

Specific requirements

  1. Possess a doctoral degree or equivalent.
  2. Professional experience abroad of at least 1 year and maximum 7 years. The calculation of years will be made from the date the PhD degree has been obtained.
  3. The candidate must be a computer scientist with deep knowledge of mathematical modelling and physics. In particular, we seek an expert in network science. Specifically, must have a track record on all the following topics: 
    • Spreading processes in multilayer complex networks
    • Modular structure of complex networks
    • Neuronal systems
  4. The candidate must report experience on international conference presentations about complex networks, lectures on international schools about networks, and teaching in computer science.

The candidates must satisfy these requirements at the latest by the last day of the period for presenting applications, May 24, 2019.

Objectives and expected results

The main goal is to hire a person that will be helpful in developing the above-mentioned project in our lab, and in teaching the next generation of students in network science at our university. The expected results are to achieve these goals with large success.

Follow-up actions

The contributions of the candidate will be evaluated yearly according to its performance in research and teaching.

Research performance will be evaluated by the quantity and quality of publications, contributions to workshops and conference in the field and mentoring of PhD students' activity in the lab. Teaching will be evaluated according to the students' knowledge acquisition on the topic through surveys.

Presentation of applications

Those interested must submit the corresponding application electronically using the following Application Form.

The application form must be filled in English and it must include a copy of the original documents as well as their translation into English.

When the original document is in Spanish or in any other co-official languages in Spain, it is not necessary that the translations into English are signed by a sworn translator. However, any document whose original language does not include any of the official /co-official languages in Spain will need to be translated into English using the services of a sworn translator.

It will not be necessary to translate those documents whose original is written in English.

Applicants who apply for more than one place must state their order of preference. If they do not, it will be understood that their preference is for the first place that they applied for.

Teaching and/or research staff who have already been awarded a similar grant cannot apply for the place or places awarded at the University.

Deadline for submission of applications

According to the article 15 of Order ECD/365/2018, of 23 March, the deadline for submission of applications will be extended from April 24, 2019 from 8h to May 24, 2019 until 17h (official time in Spain).

Documents to add
  • DNI / NIE / Passport currently in force.
  • PhD degree and degrees accredited.
  • Curriculum vitae detailing the candidate's research and professional history, accompanied by the necessary accrediting documentation, where should appear the list of predoctoral and postdoctoral stays made and the current or recent link with foreign universities or research centers.
  • Teaching and/or research project.
  • Research project and transfer of knowledge of the professor and / or researcher.
  • A report of the return for the University of the teaching project and of the research project and transfer of knowledge.

All documentation must be presented with the application form in the manner indicated above and within the period established.

Under no circumstances will any qualification or merit that has not been accredited in the manner stipulated in these conditions be taken into account.

Admission of candidates

Once the deadline for presenting applications has expired, provisional list of candidates who have been admitted and excluded will be published on the URV's Beatriz Galindo website, if necessary specifying the reason for exclusion.

Within 10 working days from the day after the publication, applicants can amend their application or, if appropriate, present their arguments to the Vice-Rector for Personnel.

If candidates do not amend the defects that have led to their being excluded within the specified period, they will no longer be considered to have applied and their exclusion will be definitive.

Once the deadline described in the point above has expired, the definitive list of candidates who have been excluded and admitted will be published at the same address as the provisional list.

Selection procedure

According to article 18 of the Order ECD/365/2018, of 23 March, which approved the regulations governing the awarding of the Beatriz Galindo grants, the General Secretary for Universities will appoint an international panel of experts to evaluate the applications made by teachers/researchers.

The applications will be evaluated in a single phase. Applications will be given a score of between 0 and 10 points by the international panel of experts. The panel will use the following criteria and the applicant's CV to evaluate the documentation presented: 

a) Teaching project of the teacher and/or researcher, up to 2.5 points

1. Quality of the teaching project, up to 1.25 points.

2. Programming of the teaching project, up to 1.25 points.

b) Research project, up to 2.5 points. 

1. Quality of the research project, up to 1.25 points.

2. Programming of the research project, up to 1.25 points.

c) Knowledge transfer project, up to 2.5 points.

1. Quality of the knowledge transfer project, up to 1.25 points.

2. Programming of the knowledge transfer project, up to 1.25 points.

d) Return on the teaching project, the research project and the knowledge transfer project for the University, up to 2.5 points.

1. Return on the teaching project, up to 1.25 points.

2. Return on the research project, up to 0.75 points.

3. Return on the knowledge transfer project, up to 0.5 points.

In application of article 25.1 of the Order ECD/365/2018, of 23 March, teachers and/or researchers need to obtain a minimum score of 6 points in order to be selected. Applicants with scores lower than this will not be accepted. In addition, the individual score of each of the elements must be at least 50% of the maximum possible score in each of them.


The rector will announce the decisions, naming a candidate for each vacancy in the order proposed by the international panel of experts until all vacancies have been filled. The position may also be declared unfilled.


The candidates proposed will sign a work contract with the University within a maximum of 2 months of the rector's decision being published on the website.

If a candidate renounces their appointment or if the contract is unsigned, the rector will appoint the next candidate on the list in order of preference.

If the proposed candidate is from a non-EU country, he/she must comply with the necessary legal requisites in order to be contracted and affiliated to the social security.


According to the Order ECD/365/2018, of 23 March, contracted teachers and/or researchers cannot enter into contracts with other entities during the period of their distinguished researcher contract, unless they have the express authorisation of the University and they respect the relevant regulations on incompatibilities.

The contract will be incompatible with other public or private funding that is intended for the same purpose, with salaries of a similar nature and, in general, with any money received that has the nature of a salary if it is the case that the activities carried out for such alternative funds interfere with the obligations for which the teacher/research has been contracted by the University. 

If this is the case, teachers and/or researchers must inform the University that they receive grants, subventions, income or resources that fund the subsidised activities.


Any interested party may lodge an administrative appeal against this competition and its conditions at the Administrative Court in Tarragona within two months, counting from the day after notification is received. An appeal for reversal can also be made to the Rector of the URV prior to the administrative appeal and within one month of the day after notification is received.

Likewise, interested parties can appeal to the rector of the URV against the actions of the committee within one month of having been informed of this decision. This appeal will be understood to have been rejected if the university administration publishes no resolution regarding the appeal within three months after it has been lodged. The opportunity to lodge an administrative appeal at the Administrative Court of Tarragona will expire six months from the day after the appeal lodged with the Rector has been rejected. If a resolution is published regarding the appeal lodged with the Rector, the interested party will have two months starting from the day after they have been notified of this to lodge an administrative appeal.

Likewise, interested parties may lodge any other appeal they deem necessary to defend their interests.

Tarragona, 23 April 2019