化学研究 - Chemistry

化学系简介 - Faculty of Chemistry. Introduction

Faculty of Chemistry at the URV

Dr. Cesteros
Prof. Yolanda Cesteros, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry

在塔拉戈纳的第一所大学教育可以追溯到16世纪, 但是经过一段时间的战争, 大学院系毁坏殆尽。1971年, 作为巴塞罗那大学的一部分, 位于塔拉戈纳的化学系开始教授化学学士学位课程。1991年, 加泰罗尼亚政府决定在塔拉戈纳创建一所以罗维拉•维尔吉利为名的新大学。从第一天起URV的目标就已经非常清晰: 让知识为社会服务

化学是技术创新和人类进步的基础。要知晓物质的成份和属性及其在化学反应中发生转化的机制, 就需要具备分析推理能力及创造能力。

化学系是URV大学的一个很强大的中心, 其主要目标是使用最先进的资源来培养在化学领域中最优秀的科学家和技术人员。中心在Sescelades 校区拥有优良的现代化设施: 教室, 实验室和用于教学及研究的各种设备。在化学领域, 在西班牙48所高校中, URV大学的教师学术论文发表数量位居前4名。在化学领域, DOW化学公司在欧洲, 非洲及中东地区的 8000所大学中选择URV大学为8所战略性大学之一。

塔拉戈纳拥有欧洲南部最大的化工园区。由于拥有重要的工业环境和化学院系, 塔拉戈纳吸引了一批杰出的化学研究机构来此落户, 包括加泰兰化学研究学院, 加泰罗尼亚化学技术中心, 以及加泰罗尼亚能源研究学院。 无论从经济视角还是从环境视角, 这都是三大重要研究中心。该工业和研究环境是指化学系可以为学生提供比其他大学更多的机会。他们可以在企业获得工作经验并参于系里研究团队的研究项目。

Localization of the URV
Localization of the URV

The first university education in Tarragona goes back to the 16th century but after a period of war, the colleges and schools were almost completely destroyed. The Faculty of Chemistry in Tarragona started teaching the Chemistry Bachelor Degree in 1971 taking part of the University of Barcelona. In 1991 the Government of Catalonia decided to create a new university in Tarragona with the name of University Rovira and Virgili. From the very first day the URV aim has been very clear: to place knowledge at the service of society.

Chemistry is fundamental to technological innovation and human progress. Understanding the composition and properties of matter and the mechanisms involved in its transformation through chemical reactions requires a capacity of analysis and deduction as well as creativity.

The Faculty of Chemistry at URV is a powerful centre, which aims to use the most advanced resources to educate the best scientists and technicians in the field of Chemistry and Biochemistry. This centre has excellent and modern installations in Sescelades Campus: classrooms, laboratories and a wide range of equipment for teaching and research. In the field of Chemistry, URV has ranked top 4 out of 48 universities in Spain in the number of research publications by teacher. DOW Chemical has chosen URV as one of the 8 strategic universities in Europe, Africa, and Midle East, among 8000 universities, in the field of Chemistry.

Tarragona is home to the largest chemical park in the south of Europe. The importance of this industrial environment and the presence of the Faculty of Chemistry has led to a cluster of excellence in chemical research being located in Tarragona: the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia, the Technological Centre of Chemistry of Catalonia, and the Institute of Energy Research of Catalonia, all three of which are strategic research centres from the economic and environmental point of view. This industrial and research environment means that the Faculty of Chemistry can provide its students with more opportunities than other universities. They can gain work experience in industry and take part in the research programmes of the Faculty research groups.